What percentage of your 1RM do you use on 3x5 or 4x5 bench, ohp, squat etc
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Depends more on your 5RM than your 1RM... if you know you 5RM then start with 80% of that for your volume. I know that my 5RM is somewhere around 85% - 87% of my 1RM so that would mean that I would use 68% of my 1RM for volume but it depends on your own body
Hey, I brought whey protein for the first time in my life. How the fuck do I use it? Do I prepare it before heading to the gym? Or put it in as powder, and prepare it after my workout? I've seen some guys do that.
I genuinely don't know the best way to use and consume it, and I don't wanna carry the fucking whey protein bag and scoop around with me.
How do (You) do it?
I remember reading that you should cut till you start to see abs then bulk. That viable for someone who never lifted before? I'm down to 185lbs from 250lbs and still have a gut. I did some calisthenics and got some noob gains. Originally when I started my goal was 180lbs but I'm almost there and still look like shit.
The cut never ends. I also read that I should cut to 10-12% then bulk, my first goal was 90kg and I'm already way past that but I still look like shit. I think body fat % is better, since I don't even know how abs work. Some fucks don't get abs until unreasonably low % so it's not helping. Cut to 10-12% depending on height and fat distribution, then bulk but slowly as fuck, like +250 kcal a day.
Is the "Westside" routine good for absolute beginners?
There's a gains goblin pinching my left shoulder every time I use my exterior rotator cuff. No, I didn't do my facepulls. Do I just add ext.rot.cuff exercises into my routine and work at them until it goes away or does it have to be rested/adjusted in some additional way? Literally started when I woke up this morning, so I'd have to assume it's still very low severity.
Depend, I do push press at 85% 5x5, next week 5x5 90%, but I build up my weight with strict press 1RM everytime, I went from 150 to 175( today's PR) ;), At the end I do accesory work for shoulder
Are you talking about Westside for Skinny Bastards? It's a solid program and great for general strength and explosiveness. I know a couple youth coaches who like it.
The two downsides I can think off are the equipment you might need (glute ham raises aren't super common in commercial gyms) and the fact that lots of the program is self-regulated. That is to say, you're in charge of the weight and exercise choice, so you're gonna have to push yourself if you really want to get the most of this program. That said, I would recommend it, it's very fun and rotating exercises prevents boredom. Be safe, eat lots, and have fun, user.
ALSO, Defranco has written 3 articles about this program, read the 3rd one cause he gives you a few choices for how to run it.
Whey is just a supplement, meant to help you reach your protein goals for the day if you have trouble getting it from whole foods. It doesn't' have many calories/nutrients besides protein, so you still have to eat a lot of real, nutritious foods. You can just drink it as a snack during your day. I used to carry a scoopful of the powder in my empty cup and just put some water into it on the way to class.
Shoulder stuff is complicated cause it could be a weak back, weak shoulder muscles, or both.
If you feel any discomfort in your shoulder, you should stop immediately and assess. I would stop everything for a couple days, and do some face pulls/rotator cuff work on the cable machine with low weight and high reps. Be strict with your form, make sure you're not compensating for the weak muscles. Again, if it hurts to do something, stop doing it. I would also back off on pressing exercises, maybe focus on getting some pulling strength for a while.
Just completed my first month back in the gym after quitting for 2 years due to depression.
Doing stronglifts to get my numbers back up ASAP, was wondering how bad it is to go two days in a row. Like ABxABx...
Will I get back to older levels more quickly or am I fucking up my recovery?
Am I
Can anyone give me some feedback on Myprotein's Alpha Men?
fitness illiterate here
>can do very few pushups and can't even hit the ground at all
>but a girl with no training, not skinny but neither overweight, less than 5' height can do 20
is body weight that much of a difference in this? for reference i'm 6'1" and 160lbs, also with no training but i'm getting started on a bodyweight routine
yes your actual weight makes a big difference and she is also shorter so probably has shorter arms so less travel time and work done in total
Does it relly matter what you eat as long as you stick to pic related? I know quantity matters but do i need to make a meal plan?
is clen worth it for cutting brehs?
Is there anywhere that's not totally shit tier for logging workouts, nutrition, some short journalling, etc. ? I used to post on SA but it's turned into a total burning shitheap.
Yes you will fuck up your recovery. Stop complaining about being sad.
How long should be the bulking/cutting cycle? What's the fastest I can lose weight without losing muscle?
Not complaining just fishing for a pat on the back bud.
will it be fine to go for losing 2lbs/wk if I just want to shed pounds? want to get down to about 215 from 290 (6'4) and im a little fatter than builtfat basically. Also when doing this should I try Linear Progression or will it be fucked due to all the weight im losing?
Why are oats good?
1lb per week is usually your safest bet for maximum weekly weight loss while minimizing muscle loss. Go for 0.5lbs per week if you're paranoid about muscle retention.
Bulking/Cutting cycle lengths depend on your goals and needs, but generally you want to aim for "slow and steady", especially for the bulk because the last thing you wanna do is eat a high surplus and just end up getting fat. Ultimately it comes down to timing and planning your cuts so you are at the apex of your cut when it most benefits you, and then bulk the rest of the time.
Is there any difference in doing high reps low sets vs low reps high sets? I don't know if what I've read online is bro science:
What's the best product on Amazon for measuring body fat % accurately? Is there a scale/electro-device out there that can do it well enough (accurate within 1-2%) or do you really have to git gud with calipers.
Because they're a healthy source of complex carbs. They have a surprisingly good amount of protein for a grain, and are loaded with fiber and a respectable amount of all kinds of micros
I do a lot of cardio for university competitions, around 6/7 days a week. I wanna get strong but don't wanna sacrifice on my cardio. Would doing strength training at the same time (still 6/7 days a week) slow down my gains or would I have to alternate my days? I.e cardio strength cardio strength etc.
Time isn't a problem for me.
Would it be retarded if I did this?
>fast for 23 hrs to kill glycogen stores and then cut for a week
>bulk for two weeks
The general rule of thumb you'll want to follow is:
1-5 reps = ideal for strength
8-12 reps = ideal for hypertrophy
15+ reps = ideal for endurance
The number of sets you do will depend on how much volume you want, but will usually be in the 3-5 range. Generally you'll do less sets when focused on strength and more when focusing on hypertrophy/endurance, but arguments could be made to do different depending on your goals/needs.
Thanks. The sites talk about strength and hypertrophy but not about endurance. Could you elaborate?
Also what do you mean when you say volume? I'm sure it's obvious but I've never done strength training seriously before.
how to fix wide hips they are same with as my shoulders which is good so i dont look to retarded but my waist is narrow and my hips go wide so it looks retarded when i wear shits as my shirt dont fill in my sides should i do obqliques for this?
Endurance training is just training your body to be better at performing under load for longer periods of time. It's not particularly important for raw strength, but it can be a potential point of interest depending on your goals.
Regarding volume,
Volume = Weight * Reps * Sets
Basically it's a measure of how much total work you did on a particular exercise. Another way to look at volume is how much total work you did on a particular muscle group rather than a specific exercise. Volume isn't as important early on, but once you start to run out of "noob gains", volume becomes much more important for keeping the gains train moving.
Also worth noting that the math itself isn't as important as understanding the general concept of "changing weight, reps, or sets will affect total volume in different ways"
Tomorrow, I will start going to the gym again after 4 months of break. I am still a novice-intermediate what routine do you recommend?
what about almonds? I know they're calorie dense as fuck.
Pls respond its 1 am
How do I fix my posture?
Bend over and I'll sort you out user (no homo).
I'm not going to toss my one chance at wizardom to some random Jow Forumsizen.
Enjoy making 0 progress on anything.
yo so whats the deal with protein powder? i was thinking of giving it a go and went to the store to try and buy generic protein powder but its all flavored or unflavored and more expensive.
is protein powder not cheaper if you buy it unflavored?
Is plant fitness worth it for their weights? Don’t have enough money for a home gym and there’s no local gyms
>implying muscle is lost as fast or even faster than fat
y-you too
Anyone wanna explain progressive overload to me?
Also, any US Based PA Students, looking to probably apply in the near future but I already have my Bachelors and I'm getting bored of PT.
Also maybe anyone who is certified in CSCS could give someone advice as well I'm looking into both.
How can I train to get a physique like this?
what can i Replace Barbel rows on GSLP I cant stand doing barbell rows and if im going to do them its only the bar when I can feel juicy lat squeeze but chinup and latpulldowns already do that so idk
I just dropped down to 200 lbs and I think I'm looking pretty decent. I want to be at around this bf% for my vacation in late November. I have 11 weeks to work with - do you think I have enough time to fit in a quick bulk & cut cycle?
If it's literally your only option, sure. It's cheap as fuck anyway, so doing dumbell and machine work there is better than nothing. Don't try to use their smith machines as a replacement for proper barbell lifts, though.
What protein bars do you anons eat? I've been eating the gatorade brand ones lately to get me through my classes. However, I've started to look into the ingredients of them and see they contain onions lecithin. After perusing several other protein bars I've seen that they all hold the same ingredient. I don't have time to eat lunches due to my class schedule, and I usually eat these things within the 5 minute walks between lessons, and alternating between my shakes throughout the day. What do you guys recommend I eat that's high in protein and decent macro, quick to eat, and devoid of onions and other shitter ingredients?
Just cut.
Small traces of onion won't make your balls fall off.
1rm dl is 345, i do 3pl8 for 3reps
Protein bars are generally shit. Skip
It adds up, Jerry.
Well if I'm skipping them, what should I eat in their place? I've been using them to keep myself sated throughout the day until I hit the gym and get to eat normally afterwards.
Should I even be doing a strength gain LP if I am trying to lose like 70lbs? Or should I do higher reps (6-10) for hypertrophy and maybe more calorie burn? My goal is to lose all the weight and keep lifting for strength, but I am not sure if the strength gain will be meaningful if I am losing so much weight
for 3x5 shoot for at least 80% or up to 90
Get a multi-million dollar movie contract,
Eat regular meals, no snacking.
I constantly feel/hear a slight click near my inner thigh/groin when doing exercises that require pulling my leg towards me i.e. clapping crunches. Is this healthy?
When I'm on campus I usually just increase how much I eat at meal times. For those long days just keep a shaker cup with a scoop of casein inside and blend it up when you need some protein.
Work nothing but abs and cut heavily.
Are you a cricket?
Say I wanna lose 7% body fat by february, when should I start cutting?
This is all broscience meme stuff.
Point to any experiment supporting this
Check out RXBars and Epic Performance bars. They are a bit more expensive than the gatorade bars, but have no shitty ingredients.
What do you do when your lifts plateau?
Tips/exercises to train pectorals? Never feels like they’re actually burning when I’m working upper body.
first time in gym since freshman year (3 yrs ago) of uni tommorow, really need to lose this weight or else I might keel over and die any moment. I fucking hate public gyms and being around so many people but if it is the best way to get fit then I must. By this time next year I will be 70lbs lighter and be in my PhD getting PhD girls
70-80% of 1rm for sets of 5.
A 5rm is approximately 85% of your 1rm. And a 5rm by definition is a weight that you can do 5 reps with for 1 set and 1 set alone. So be wary of anyone who says they're doing multiple sets of 5 at 85% or 90%, as they have absolutely no idea what they're talking about.
Do as much of these things as I can:
>Improve technique
>Eat more
>Sleep more
>Avoid life bullshit more
>Increase training volume
Unless you're a complete noob who hasn't trained ever, you're gonna lose strength when you lose weight, period.
If I were you I would focus on my weight loss first and put setting PRs aside for the meantime.
How do I run a faster 1 mile/ 3 mile?
Just track calories/macros and eat whatever you want that fits your goals. Those foods are just “healthy” choices but if you eat too much of them, which isn’t that hard, you’d get fat.
I read somewhere it only gives you the equivalent of ~50 calories extra fat burned per day. Given all the side effects I’d say no. Even many untested bodybuilders don’t bother with it anymore.
1 mile: just run faster lmoa
3 mile: cut down body weight, increase leg strength, interval sprints, learn to control breathing and even develop a pattern, treadmill once a week to keep a consistant stride and pace.
Multiple miles and single mile are totally different in the way you approach them.
If you’ve had a 4 month break your no longer an intermediate. You’re back to novice.
Why not just start now then you have less of a strict time limit. If you reach your goal early you can just maintain or even start gaining again.
There are countless studies on rate of weight loss and preservation of muscle mass while dieting. The 1-2 lbs per week wasn’t just pulled from no where.
As for bulking are you actually asking for a study that shows a calorie surplus leads to fat gain and a larger surplus leads to more fat gain? Because that shit doesn’t need a study it’s called energy balance...
is there anything wrong with this routine
>Monday: chest, triceps, biceps
>Tuesday: shoulders, lats
>Wednesday: cardio, abs, legs
>Thursday: chest, triceps, lats
>Friday: cardio, abs, legs
>Saturday: rest
>Sunday: cardio, abs, legs
I'd also want to know this. I'm doing obliques at least 3x a week and abs work every day, but my waist is still rather thin compared bro my hips and shoulders.
Going to an anime con in about two and a half months, basically skinnyfat right now, if I start lifting will I look pretty decent by then?
What about traps, calves,neck forearms?
How do I best warmup before workout? I don't want to take half an hour every single day BEFORE the actual workout. It's taking too much time, I already sit in the gym for 2+ hours.
What exercises are the best? I like chinups, pl8 front raises and jumping rope. It feels like it activates my body quite well before doing the main lifts and doesn't take as much overall as it did before.
>62.5 kg squat
>60 kg diddly
>50 kg bench
>37.5 kg ohp
is this normal? I thought you were supposed to diddly twice your bench or something
Does protein powder brand important? Can I just go with the cheapest shit.
I'm too weak to do chinups or pullups, how do I work up to them? I was thinking assisted work with bands combined with curls and rows should help me out a bit.
Negative Pull-Ups/Chin-Ups
The contents are important
No back
is my cholesterol gonna be good if i eat 3-6 eggs a day
Is madcow good? It seems decent but the lighter sets are basically just warmups so it's only really 3 working sets, is it enough?
you're also supposed to deadlift more than you squat how many sets/reps of deads are you doing? And have you actually tried more and stalled, or are just assuming you can't do more?
Band / machine (if your gym has one) assisted for the skill of doing the movement itself, then rows and lat pulldowns for hypertrophy. That's how I would do it.
Where can I get resistance bands that aren't a total rip off
Negatives --> weighted negatives --> jumping pull ups --> pull ups
Got my 53 year old mum up to 8 pull ups this way
I'm almost at the end of my linear gains process. Can't add much more weight to the big lifts. Already had to go from 5x5 to 3x5 to 3x3 on everyhing, three more deloads and it's 1x3 and then I've done the program. Question is what do I do next? Do I continue with TM/Madcow or move onto a hypertrophy routine?
What are your goals
Aesthetics and some strength. I'm Intermediate according to Symmetric Strength. I'm nowhere near 1/2/3/4 but I'm a manlet and a weightlet so I can't get to that absolute strength. If it matters, my quads are almost as broad as my shoulders now and I can see abs after a gym session or when I flex my core. Scooby says I must cut to 127lbs if I want to see abs but I don't want to end up looking like a twig.
t. 5'5 136lbs manlet