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is my cholesterol gonna be good if i eat 3-6 eggs a day

Is madcow good? It seems decent but the lighter sets are basically just warmups so it's only really 3 working sets, is it enough?

you're also supposed to deadlift more than you squat how many sets/reps of deads are you doing? And have you actually tried more and stalled, or are just assuming you can't do more?

Band / machine (if your gym has one) assisted for the skill of doing the movement itself, then rows and lat pulldowns for hypertrophy. That's how I would do it.

Where can I get resistance bands that aren't a total rip off

Negatives --> weighted negatives --> jumping pull ups --> pull ups

Got my 53 year old mum up to 8 pull ups this way

I'm almost at the end of my linear gains process. Can't add much more weight to the big lifts. Already had to go from 5x5 to 3x5 to 3x3 on everyhing, three more deloads and it's 1x3 and then I've done the program. Question is what do I do next? Do I continue with TM/Madcow or move onto a hypertrophy routine?

What are your goals

Aesthetics and some strength. I'm Intermediate according to Symmetric Strength. I'm nowhere near 1/2/3/4 but I'm a manlet and a weightlet so I can't get to that absolute strength. If it matters, my quads are almost as broad as my shoulders now and I can see abs after a gym session or when I flex my core. Scooby says I must cut to 127lbs if I want to see abs but I don't want to end up looking like a twig.

t. 5'5 136lbs manlet