Gym at peak times

Do any of you hate going at peak times? e.g after 5pm on a Monday. Maybe I have agoraphobia but it just has the worst atmosphere on weekday evenings plus almost all the equipment is being used (mostly by middle aged doing meme exercises) so your workout takes much longer.

Does anyone else absolutely loathe crowded gyms?

Attached: crowded.jpg (400x265, 30K)

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Yes, just go as soon as it opens in the morning, or buy an olympic bar and workout at home.

Lol literally everybody hates going at peak times. Luckily I can go at around noon.

The few public holidays where the gym is packed full of NPC's was enough for me to pull the trigger on a home gym

I don't go at peak times but even if I do, it's not all that bad. Mine is a pretty expensive "private" gym (only available for a few companies). There's lots of cardio qts doing 18 different squat exercise variants per workout and a few smug gym dudes that do meme exercises. I've legit only seen 2 others doing deadlifts on the regular, almost nobody barbell squats and I do chest on different days than almost anyone else.
I legit like my gym.

I've started knocking off from work at 2.45, going to the gym at 3 and getting a session in so I'm done by 4pm, well before the after work crowds.

I dont mind people at all, I actually enjoy peoples company, but lining up for a rack/machine is retarded

Nah, but only because my gym is never truly backed even after 6. It's always half capacity and the freeweight area has at max 8 people

>I dont mind people at all, I actually enjoy peoples company, but lining up for a rack/machine is retarded
Peak time at the gym though has a shitty atmosphere, no one seems friendly. It mostly seems ego fueled skinny fat office types

>not enough room for nice home gym

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I go at 10 at night, only sleep 6 hours reliably anyway so it works for me.
Pure gym in the UK is a fucking godsend - all dose platforms, all dose cages.
At night is when I usually see the biggest un-natty dudes, classic Jow Forums meme with the headphones on, do their workout and leave.
Unironically, they are less intimidating to workout around - the most you get is a head nod when you walk in and there is about 2x each piece of equipment except from really specialist machines.

>Do any of you hate going at peak times?
of course, nobody really wants to go when it's crowded. It's just that 5pm is ideal for people who work 8-16, at least it is for me. when I come home, I just change clothes, pick up my bag and go lift. If I decide to wait and go around 8 pm I get tired and lazy and my workout is shit.
I never tried going before work, might give it a shot.

Buy things you can fold. Scooby has a video on this

I go at 11am, mostly there's just 2-3 of us with 1 thot or two.

>Pay for equinox
>Gym never crowded because so expensive

Feels good

I'm curious if you ever see niggers or spics at a gym like this.

I mostly go shortly after peak times, at about 9pm.

Yeah, I don't hate it tho. Sunday evenings are way better. I just hope no one here starts showing up then.

by that time I'm tired and cant be bothered getting my workout in

No, certainly not the disruptive kind. Unless Dave Chappelle counts as a nog?

Honestly I like it when the gym is full of people, it feels energetic. My only problem is when all the dyels go to the dumbbell & bench section of my gym and "work out", occupying them all.

yeah, but he hates most niggers so he's ok

I usually go at 2am so going after 5pm is like a whole other world. I actually get to see cuties. I like the atmosphere of it being full, just don’t like the waits obviously.

>Do SS/heavy compounds
>literally everything can be done in a power rack
>get there five minutes before the evening rush
>claim the rack for 90 minutes

Shit’s comfy

I did this once and had a bunch of 30-50 year old boomer tier types keep ducking into the power rack while I was mid rep asking for some of the weights I was using. Do these people have no clue of etiquette?

Has anyone observed what these people do for a routine? It seems so random and unorganised. DB curls followed by bench press then some barbell rows

>Does anyone else absolutely loathe crowded gyms?
You're part of the crowd. You are the problem. It's like complaining about how bad traffic is when you ARE the traffic.

this stupid little black bitch did this to me once while i was clearly lifting a challenging weight. either wait till i'm done or just take it ffs

You've missed the point. OP isn't complaining about people as such rather just when gyms are busy.

>man i hate peak hour traffic
>fucking idiots driving during peak hour
to explain the difference using your own flawed analogy

>buy an olympic bar and get killed while attempting a PR at home

Gyms at least have people to help you if something goes wrong during the scary exercises.

learn how to use the safeties and how to bail out of an oly lift

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You just repeated my anology without actually breaking it down. Thanks for the (You), I guess.

If you can't see the contrasting difference between the two points highlighted you are room temperature IQ

> gym only has one squat rack

Attached: 1450485591935.jpg (3496x4024, 416K)

>university gym has 12 squat racks and at least 2 are always free

Attached: 1478732157371.png (545x545, 425K)

>room temperature IQ

it's you versus the iron....
gains versus your life

lifting with safety or backup, fucking plebs

haha fucking middle aged people. They're not young any longer!

Part of the reason the left wants you to hate adults is to further destroy any sense of traditional value or thinking.

>contrasting difference
>you are room temperature IQ
aight, cap'n redundant

>traditional value or thinking
im sure the generation that promoted "free love" and got abortion legalized are paragons of traditional values
fucking retard

abortion needs to be legal
people getting pregnant for lulz shouldn't be common.

people shouldn't be retards and getting pregnant in the first place. contraception isn't hard

I do this on texas method volume day. Spend a straight hour hogging the power rack to do my 5x5s for squat and OHP. I'll let people work in if they ask, but most people don't.

They don't have a rutine, all they do is go 2-3 weeks due to someone else telling them they should lose some weight/put on some muscle, mostly stay on the phone and waste time. No interest in actually improving themselves.