Southeastern feels thread

Southeastern feels thread

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There are only 3 states in the Southeast worth living in, and even so they aren't all that.

NC boi here. yeah, fuck most of the south, except FL.

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Gulf coast Florida and loving it.

Floridian here. Just moved from Miami to Orlando couple of days ago for university and Ive never seen such a concentration of white people in my life.

TFW I live in the shittiest one

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I lived outside of Baton Rouge and I hated my life

>go into publix, everyone is nice as shit
>Looking for a lesser weight of pork shoulder, worker sees me looking and offers to cut a piece smaller
>get a bomb as fuck sub for lunch

is there any feeling more based than going into publix? no

East TN bro here. It's not so bad, really. The weather changes every 12 minutes and you're required by law to hate several football teams, but that's about it. Beer's pretty good here.

Shit I mean live as in currently living and always lived in baton rouge

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Why are southerners so fat, ugly, and incompetent?

Hahaha, I just moved from Portland to Orlando for work. You have NO idea how white a city can get til you go to Oregon.

Publix sushi makes me wanna cum every single time. The best thing is that each Publix does it just a little differently so you can always experience a good delish variety.

Because of drugs, shitty gov, and handouts

Im down in Bradenton, and I think this is objectively one of the worst cities in the state.

Southern sprawl causes people to drive more, which tends to make fatter people. Plus, with how god awful hot it is it's not as easy to do outdoors activities like in the North. Fat people tend to be ugly.

The incompetence is the years of inbreeding, probably.

Only time I was there it was in Mississippi and I almost got shanked and raped.

>Why are southerners so fat, ugly, and incompetent?
Why are you so butthurt about where you live that you have to make shit up about other geographical locales to make yourself feel better?

>shitty gov, and handout
Huh...I'd figure most (white) dixies would shun food stamps, seeing as how they hate big government.

Never been there; at least any more than passing through it. What's wrong with it?

Ironically most of the people on food stamps are white

>Ironically most of the people on food stamps are white
And people who tout that fact don't understand percentages.

If you look at demographics you'll see its pretty much Americas middle East

>Including Virginia, West Virginia, Arkansas, Louisiana, and Kentucky
Might as well just fucking throw Texas and Oklahoma in there

And people like you pretend to know shit that you don't cuck

Gotcha. Tampa's crawling with niggers, but I make enough money to not have to deal with them.

Congratulations. That was the final nail in the coffin of that word having any meaning whatsoever.

SC fag here. Nothing but good old racist God fearing heathens.

>Why are you so butthurt
I'm not. I live in Massachusetts, which is the most educated state in the country. And the best part is my state isn't infested with dindus like Louisiana or Georgia.
>you have to make shit up about other geographical locales
I don't. Every media outlet measures southern state like Mississippi, Alabama, and Arkansas as some of the worst states in the nation.

Yes but at least I'm not a pussy who chooses to stick around with niggers all the time and move

Blacks are mostly in the southeast.

63.7% of America is white, compared to 12.2% being black.

Those states have the highest amount of minorities.

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hehe the Dick n Balls of America xd

>Those states have the highest amount of minorities

I've been considering moving to Arkansas. Particularly Jonesboro. Does anyone have any recommendations for places to move in the south east?

South Carolina best state. Livin in Murderl Beach.

Cherrypicking a video doesn't change the fact that Mississippi has the second highest amount of blacks in any state (37%) with the second highest amount of people in the United States on food stamps (21.74%). Coincidentally the state with the most blacks (District of Columbia: 50.08%) has the highest rate of food stamps in the nation. Now then, why would the states with the highest rate of minorities who statistically commit more crime and abuse welfare the most be the shittiest in the United States? Violent crime is 8x more prevalent then violent crime committed by whites, when correlated with population. Now unless you're going to refute anything I said with hard facts nigger then don't respond to me.

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>Beer's pretty good here.

To what beer specifically are you referring? I grew up in East Tennessee and can't recall a single beer I could get there that I can't get anywhere else.

Miss me that Dr. Enuf tho.

Because that's where the black people are.

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gf is a Cuban from Miami (her family is much richer and she'll be marrying down the social ladder) and her parents are offering to move me out there when we graduate college and get me a job
How is southern Florida?

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Why the fuck would you want to move to Arkansas?

Florida people are a new kind of retard what are you on about? Also hurricanes destroying your house every year.

They aren't all blacks around me I live in SC are lazy as fuck and talk about buying food with food stamps and sharing them with each other.

Yazoo Brewing has some tasty beer.

>hahaha bro don't you know random clips of hicks from left wing nightly shows refutes empirical statistical data

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Whites pay way more into the system and I feel better paying my taxes to whites than illegal mexicans on food stamps.

IDK, it's close enough that I can afford to move there. Do you have better recommendations?

This is why democratic socialism could never work in the US. It works in Denmark and Sweden because people feel they are giving to people who are like themselves, and also everyone contributes/receives at a similar rate.

and it's completely natural to have predilections to our 'own'

Arkansas is culturally insignificant. Unless you like living somewhere that's a rural shithole go elsewhere.

Has anyone else watched the show Aerial America on the Smithsonian channel?

There's an episode for each state. It's so beautifully made, and a great way to get to know some of the often ignored parts of our beautiful land.

actually mexicans are funding social security right now for old white people

Orlando FL here. I like the south not having to deal with aggressive progressive politics and low cost of living is nice

It Really depends where you live, the backwoods can be pretty rough, but bigger city's and towns are usually ok as it's mostly soccer moms and there rich husbands

If affordability is your main concern, I suggest Wyoming

I dwell neath the shade of Harvard, in the land of the Sacred Cod, where Lowells speak only to Cabots, and Cabots speak only to God.

Is NC even considered southern anymore? I rarely meet any people here who have anything like a southern accent.

It's always been a bit of both, but mostly Southern. Also what's with all the Ohiofags? Is the tree meme real?

most northerners travel to NC, because nc fags are civilized like the based Floridians bros. ececpt eastern NC. it votes red and is a shithole

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Georgia fag reporting in. Atlanta is unbearable to be in for more than an hour and everywhere else is the middle of no where.

>ececpt eastern NC
But the crystal coast though

give nc bf

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New Yorker here.

I might move down to one of those states because I housing is actually affordable.

Is there anything I should know before signing the papers on the mortgage?

Fuck off, carpetbagger, we're full.

o-okay Southron fren

>tfw 200-year long mortgage

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eastern NC isn't part of the coast. coastal and OBX people are based, redneck conservatives from the east aren't

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You could move to new Orleans with all the other white hipsters. Although if it's affordable housing you're looking for you'll have to live in a shithole neighborhood

What a coincidence I was just looking into wyong. Leremie in particular. Any Wyoming fags here?

I work in one. In the meat department.

>remember we liberals love the poorest and most disenfranchised people in this country
>we went to the poorest state and found the poorest least educated people to make fun of them

That depends, are you a girl(female), and where in Nc do you live?

Florida 239 reporting in.

The Wyoming of the south but without the benefits

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Gulf Shores AL

Fucking Kentucky the only good thing here is the bluegrass I want to kill myself every day but the only thing that keeps me alive is my autism and love for my dog, what god ever thought of making one person's life so shitty

Jewish meme

>Tfw 50kb download
Get me out of this shit state

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Im in the north, Alabama is literally the only place in the world where the cities closer to the ocean are worse


too many niggers i really hate it here

Pls traps in al or tn ppls

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ayy, studied at LSU for a year, it was a... unique experience.

Who Charlotte here? Anyoen?

Basically this. The town is full of all the worst people and has so many murders and ODs that it's not even funny.

you faggots stay out of the south and stay out of Jow Forums

>rep is a police officer who lost her gat and thinks her first amendment right is superior than that of the average citizen
>soon to be county mayor is clueless darkie husband of said rep who's crowning achievement is taking credit for 9/11, some shit in hurricanes and the pulse shooting which OSCO had nothing to do with
That being said hello orlandobot, I live up in ocoee and orange county is going to straight shit. You can lease a new Aston Martin for the price of average rent in Orlando and it's only going to get worse due to y*nknoids like

Florida masterrace here, fuck the rest of you rednecks.

Reportan, this place is shit.

>live in smallish town near tampa, florida
>very comfy
>everybody from high school talking online after graduation about how much they hate the area and can't wait until the day they can finally leave
>feel sad that people want to leave such a comfy area
It's probably just my autism

wtf, arent southern states the ones that supposed to have highest white populations

Where the fuck did you get that idea? Something like 98% of blacks in the US lived in the south until world war 1, and it's only changed by a bit since then. People tend not to move around that much.

Seriously considering moving from the MKE meto area to Sarasota next year. I spent about a month and half there for work a few years back and fell in love with the place.

idk southerners have this stereotype of being conservatives, I always associate american conservatives with whites

Coastal VA reporting in.

Reminder that if you don't live in NYC you're not human.

hello yes hello is kansas allowed

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I live in South MS. I used to live in a majority black area before I moved to a more white area for better... well.. . Everything. Lot of Vietnamese people here as well.
Yeah a lot of the southern states are pretty shitty, but if you look closely you'll find that the shitty parts that everyone hates are run by democrats and are majority black areas. Places like the capital, Jackson, and the delta. Since we have so many black people, it inflates our obesity and crime rates as well. Businesses don't want to come here too often cause they aren't good enough markets, despite relatively conservative economic policies. But even then, other states actually have more economic freedom than the southern states. Such as new Hampshire
Also you'd think that everyone is racist here, but we are actually less racist because we are forced to interact with each other and a daily basis and are scared of social and economic persecution if we dare to offend anyone for their race. Again, most of the actual racism is in the delta reason and from the majority black populace there who are constantly told they are victims. Also, yes, self segregation Is a thing.
We have good food and a bit of French heritage down here on the coast between mobile and New Orleans, and it's also one of the best and growing areas.
Anyways, it's a really nice place to live as long as you avoid the blue parts of the state.

Thus what the media wants you to think.
Turns out, the conservative south is actually more diverse than the civilized north! Who woulda thunk it?

What's it like living in a beach/resort town or city?

I used to live in Englewood Florida and moving to Texas made me realize how not-shitty Florida's demographics are. Blacks and Mexicans everywhere. I hate it.

Well, I live close to an area with tons of casinos that double as beach resorts and spas. It's one of the biggest gambling hubs in the country. They are really nice and bring a lot of money to the area. Unfortunately the beaches are man made and not as nice as say Florida beaches, but they are nice none the less. Lots of eccentric old people to.

I live in Georgia who here wants to hang out