>if i work out for months I'll look like right instead of how i do now (left)
its fucking over
If i work out for months I'll look like right instead of how i do now (left)
just do HIIT and fast its not that hard. also if your life is so boring that food is your only pleasure, there is something wrong
just start exercising on a deficit until fat is burned for like 2 months and then take it from there
If the picture taken really was someone's 2 month progress picture than they're fucking retarded lol
right one looks fine. most girls like dadbods these days
Why are you sad? Right looks better...
How so?
Use to be fat I look like right side now anyone know how long it will take to look Jow Forums
a few years. Lifting isn't a sprint, its a marathon.
4-5 years minimum to gain most of the muscle you can build naturally.
So, not having manboobs and belly clearly visible through clothes is bad?
People just get bored or discouraged so quickly nowadays. They expecting to have model-level results within month and refuse to understand that it take much more than that.
He's sucking in
Yeah you'll loose weight and mass and gain leaner muscle if you do it right
Depends how disciplined you are
At best, with perfect diet and lifting 4-5 times a week, minimum 8 months, granted you don't have much muscle. Realistically 2-3 years.
call me a boomer but i cant put down monsters
my dopamine homeostasis is fucked even though i never drink coffee
i know half of my weight loss battle is right there in removing sugar drinks
i drink regular and carbonated water, what could i replace the energy drinks with?
>what could i replace the energy drinks with?
caffeine pills or black coffee.
anyone have tips for a skelly looking to get some muscle?
>anyone have tips for a skelly looking to get some muscle?
eat more skinless chicken and veggies.
my body is seriously weird
I'm 6'1 180 and I eat 2000 calories a day and work out just about daily (mostly cardio), yet I'm still built fat
I went through this shit OP.
Don't have any picture to show, I'm not ripped or anything, but something that worked out good for me is doing very low carb (or no carb) diet with Stronglifts.
You can't get results in one month though, expect to see decent results in about 2 to 5 months.
Picture is a good progress frankly, if it's only one month, and considering you had a good amount of fat in.
You need to lift, if you're just running you would need to cut back the calories running a mile only burns off about 130 cal or so. Running is really effective but you have to supplement it with strength or endurance weight training.
Something is wrong with what you eat then, and when working out prioritize strength training.
If you do cardio be sure to do high intensity.
Nigga, dyel?
Do you have any kind of program/routine?
Not him but what's a good workout routine as far as which muscle groups to workout.
Do SS and use the break days for being a pure curl bro. Make sure you do pull-ups for lat growth.
Go to Jow Forums and read the sticky. Don't look at anything else though. Just read the sticky.
Are posters like lying then?
how do I get rid of manboobs like left without equipment?
I vouch for this.
I love how people think lifting will make them slim and they basically don't know shit but they'll discard your tip anyway.
Cardio is the equivalent of eating below ur tdee. You could just diet. Muscle takes bodily energy to maintain so you loose more weight.
Eat calorie dense food like nuts and peanut butter or even junk food and soda if you just want the calories and find it difficult to consume them
I was slightly fatter and waay more curved than left pic, I'm now like right pic but with slightly bigger arms and a tighter belly
took me 1 year 6 months to get here: swimming 2~3 times a week, lifting 2~3 times a week, not going apeshit but trying to improve each day, keeping in mind bad days are inevitable; never was on a diet though! just eating regular food on an intermittent fast schedule, avoiding junk to the best of my abilities... lots of chicken breasts (experiment with spices), sweet potatoes and milk, with the occasional treat
best thing out of all this was improving my posture + acne... unfortunately my posture still sucks (started going to physiotherapy), my beard can't yet cover the acne spots (few months into minoxidil treatment), and I'm still quite sedentary / not that well conditioned (since I'm NEET)
but the self-esteem boost is real: it's not about where you are, just knowing you're on the right path, doesn't matter how fast or slow, just being pointed in the right direciton, is enough to make you not feel like a worthless sack of shit
It's an improvement. I would fast though, since fat is more of an issue than lack of muscle.
>also if your life is so boring that food is your only pleasure, there is something wrong
Yeah let me just take a shower, bee myself, and become a normalfag with an intersting life you dumbass.
i know this feel well, putting in months at the gym and eating well only to come out looking skinnyfat
some people are simply are cursed by the gods to be subhumans, it's best to not swim against that current all too much if you happen to be cursed with it
I got better arms chest and shoulders than that from baby gains but the big problem is I keep getting fatter as I'm doing it
Try being me.
>lose weight over steady period (130 lbs)
>now have loose skin everywhere
>still "fat"
>can't gain any muscle, only fat
>dick still small
>balls still small
anhero time it is.