Jow Forums, and the internet in general has been going downhill rapidly, since 2012
prove me wrong faglords. (You can't)

Inb4 >OP is a nastalgia-fag xD

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Quality satire. +5 internets

I miss YTMND

OP is a nostalgia-fag xD

nice try op. this is B A I T

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lecksdeeeedeeeedeeeeee Op

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The fact that the internet has morphed with consumer culture is pretty sad. I can't think of a single website that isn't vested in political or commercial interests. Everything's all "donate to us or buy our shit so we can pay the bills." Video games websites in particular seem to have been overrun by leftists who imagine evil nazis around every corner, and even when literally everyone in a thread is anti-racism, they still act like there's some sort of crisis. /v/ is pretty much the only place where you can still call someone a faggot - since you can't even do that in most new games these days - but God help you if you call someone a nigger. Jow Forums's Janetty is a bit better in terms of less censorship, but 90% of the posters are schizos, spammers, and turbo-autists, so there's no real point in going there anymore.

There's no more smart people. There's no more /comfy/ niche websites. Everything has been standardized, and not to our standards.

>implying im gonna read that wall of text

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That post isn't a wall of text. It's one average sized paragraph and one extremely short paragraph. Your post just shows how the internet has changed. Everything is about instant gratification and catering to people with the shortest attention spans possible. You know, Jow Forums used to have better posts. I'm not denying there was shitposting, there was plenty of it. But Jow Forums had actual feels threads, rather than the trite attention-whoring you see now-a-days. Not long ago it was easy to find intelligent, well-read people on Jow Forums. You can't do that nowadays.

I'm sure you or someone else will reply that your post was ironic, but that doesn't change anything. Irony has been a scourge on this website, even more than any other website. Nothing can be taken seriously, anywhere. No one is willing to say anything out of line because they'll get made fun of. You say something bad about yourself, you get mocked. You say something good about yourself and people instantly turn to crab-mentality, and try to drag you down.

As far as I'm concerned. The average user in 2018 would be the biggest bully of all, had he been born a 6'3" football player with a girlfriend.

Good points but do you really think all the creative type people who were making proto-memes on 4chin in 2008 are now just the people begging for money on Youtube and twitch? I find that hard to believe. I think most of the type of people who were on Jow Forums back then have largely withdrawn from social interaction all together and are instead gaming or taking in the near endless supply of media that can be pirated.

im not op lmao

I presume they've simply been drowned out. I think that there are naturally going to be creative and intelligent types in any group. The issue is whether or not these people have any incentive to speak. Reddit bribes people to making long-posts pretending to be intelligent. Jow Forums might give you some (You)s if you word your post properly, so that you can arouse some feelings that most anons feel.

If gookmoot were interested in it, he could probably make Jow Forums a lot better. The issue is that Jow Forums functions off of datamining and ad-revenue, so catering to stereotypical NEET 4channers doesn't make sense to him in comparison to attracting as many people as possible. This is a problem across the entire internet really. Unless some millionaire creates a website just for shits and giggles, the WCW of websites, I don't see the internet breaking the shackles of consumerism and lowest common denominator normalfaggotry.

I did not say, nor imply, that you were OP.

>cant even properly greentext


How can any worthwhile internet or irl culture grow to the point it produces anything of significance if the instant availability of the internet causes it to immediately be flooded by LCD normalfaggots as you call them?

Glory is fleeing. The peak is necessarily followed by the decline. I think that everything works in cycles. Look at how Jow Forums reacted to the 2016 election, compared to how it's reacting to the mid-terms. Look at "internet blood-sports." These cultures can be created, but only temporarily. LCD normalfaggots will always rush to what's new and trendy in order to run it to the ground. Things will always decay. That doesn't mean we can't fight back against the decay. That doesn't mean that we can have a last hurrah into the past. That doesn't mean that we can't build new things. But it is very difficult to reverse decline. It takes conscious willpower by the people in charge in unison with a large portion of the population in order to do so. This is relevant to both the internet and nations as a whole.

You could have an invite-only forum that you can be banned from if you get a certain # of le downvotes (no upvotes) on a comment from regular users and then you need another invite.

Internal drama can usually take down insular communities.

If your goal isn't to milk the users for money and the site is bare bones (like Jow Forums) then who the fuck cares about controversy?

The 60's had a ten year build up followed by a three year peak. Now it seems like the buildup for any cultural movement is a few months followed by a less than a month long peak. How can anything of significance be accomplished in so short a period?

>since 2012
2007 more like.

i remember /b/ having 3+ cp threads on the front page in 2012 and now all the illegal stuff is completely purged