
/fraud/ general - Praying for ESTP Onee-Chan to Show Up Edition

Before you ask your retarded question about babbys first cycle, make sure to read the fricking wiki. Yes it’s reddit, post a better one or shut the frick up nerd.


Also, include:
>time wasted lifting natty
>Amount of time you've been on gear without coming off, cruising or getting any form of bloodwork done
>Penis Girth
>Penis Length
>Testicular volume (on/off)
>Rice purity test score (ricepuritytest.com/)

Oral only cycles are great way to cope with your fear of needles.

SARMs and prohormones are generally a waste of time.

We can't help you dose your AI, it's different for everybody and there's a lot of factors at play. Figure it out yourself.

And most importantly,

NO SOURCE TALK (this isn't up for debate, you will be banned),

Previously on Just Fuck Me Up Senpai

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Other urls found in this thread:


Attention whore buttboi, unironic homosexuals can get the rope



Also, include:
>time wasted lifting natty
>Amount of time you've been on gear without coming off, cruising or getting any form of bloodwork done
>Penis Girth
>Penis Length
>Testicular volume (on/off)
>Rice purity test score (ricepuritytest.com/)

Once again, fuck off you reddit linking weeaboo faggot fuck.

You make threads for /fraud/ not (you)

Nobody else makes damn threads.

Anyone here use SARMs? Are they just roids under another name? I keep seeing ads for them online

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Who makes them when you're banned then?

I dunno. I only made the last thread because none of you nerds had made one in literally hours.

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I'm on mobile. I cba to make them on mobile.


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Post moar pics of fat gf

I save little money because of this. I am forced to get a sort of more expensive apartment because they changed the law that only really poor people can have the apartments from 400-500 euro's a month.

Crazy that you pay so little for mortgage. How big is that house? How many rooms etc?

Maybe we can do something together. I bet a love of people are willing to pay in order to see that

this is the worst thread in this trash board
bunch of dysmorphic tripfag attentionwhores
kill yourselves

>Mum gets angry if I cook past 9pm
>But she and stepdad watch tv until 9pm and they get angry with me cooking because they can't hear the TV
>It's now past 9pm so I was going to just get fast food
>But now they're having an argument and I just don't want to get caught up in that retarded shit

Guess I'll fucking starve.

I don't plan on getting fucked by anyone masT.

And yet you're here.

For what purpose?

Downpayment my man, I have no idea about the actual size but we have a seperate kitchen room, dining room, living room and 3 bedrooms upstairs. We also have a basement. Its not huge by any means but it'll do plenty for 2 people.

Be happy we have a containment board

Your humiliation and maybe fapping

Please adopt me.

Nobody cares about you, so why do you bother to share your opinion

I thought you wanted be a girl

I know that buying a house actually more cheaper then renting. Since they raise the rent also each year

But i find it risky to have a mortgage since i only have 1 income. Gf is still in school

I want to be a girl. Doesn't mean I'm a faggot who likes men.

Seems that i have no choice other then sharing that fucking room with the tranny starting next week. FUCKING HELL

So you are a lesbian then

No. I'm a dude who wants to be a girl because he likes girls too much

You understand with that kind of behavior the chances are small you will get ever get one right

The more you like them, the less they will like you

I understand it. It's part of the reason Persian girl still won't leave me alone to this day I think. I just don't have any interest in her and I think I'm the first guy to ever actually reject her.

But I want to express love and affection for someone I am attracted to. It feels like the natural thing to do.

Based nano boi

Tell your gf I love her

She's prettier then what you'll ever get
>implying you'll even get something

No the tren made you too manly.

Its currently cheaper to buy and maintain even on a single income. I'd look into it if I were you.

Tell that to these legs


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They're trash scams. If you want to put a chemical in your body make it roids atleast that way you know it's been tested on humans longer.

Who else will give us the attention we so desire? Mum has left for work and there is only so much self praising I can do.

>sharing that fucking room with the tranny
Dont complain about unlimited access to shemeat

You’ll come around to liking men soon enough bb

That's true. I still don't understand why you didn't fucked her, since she looked dtf

Emotions are for woman. There could be only be room for one pussy in the relationship otherwise she could just be lesbian if she wanted to have an extra pussy

I already told yours yesterday

Yes but if you get screwed over, then you're left with a big mortgage. I only see reason to buy a house if you get children.

Why do you need so much extra space. That also means extra cleaning etc. Not that i clean but still

My tranny gf wants to meet up Friday :))
You’d like this one jerry she has a nice and small penis

Yes but it's not a good looking tranny Jerry. More like a mutilated cross dresser manly type with fake crappy eye slashed, gross everything and old with crooked teeth and ugly eyes

you need a leg routine. i get the twink look n all but damn isnt it short weather in australia soon

Nigger men literally disgust me so much that I want to be a girl. I don't think that your fantasy is going to occur.

Because I didn't like her. When we were in bed together my dick didn't react at all. There was zero attraction. I couldn't have fucked her.

>Implying the weather is going to stop me from covering myself up

Because fuck paying someone else mortgage? In 20-30 years time you will own a assets. Once you have a house it's very easy to expand. How the fk can you get screwed over? I've owned my place since I was 20 and never had too serious problem besides a toilet leak.

You ever watched gay porn to see how you react to that? I think you are not aware of your sexual orientation

You mean 30+ years. What kinda mortgage are you talking about? Decent houses start at 200-250k here. Now probably even more because the house prices has been raised.

As is losing your job and don't have another income. You cannot leave like you can when you are renting something.

The guy who can’t go to the gym if there is someone else inside walks around in a mask showing off his shaved legs, really makes you think

I live in a semi small town in Australia. The place I'm in now cost me 175k. It won't take me 30+ years to pay off 175k....

Where are you because in Aus they aren't rising mate..... Syd and Melb are both taking pretty big hits. I probs won't feel it where I am.

Have a second form of income? Trade BTC, Gay for Pay, Rent out your house and live with someone. Stop being a wagie cuck no wonder why you can't afford a house.

217lbs nekkid this morning
I know a lot of it is water weight BUT FUCK YOU 20LBS IS 20LBS!!

Whenever I watch porn or read doujins if there is slightly too much focus on the man or there is any vocals by him, I get immediately turned off.

I'm 100% sure.

I don't know what you're implying. I'm just a shy person.

>small town Australia

I'd rather neck myself.

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second course

do I need to wait for a while after taking test-e to start taking tren-a? im doing 50mg every other day? or can I start taking it right away?

Ok so post her then?

for 175k you have a card box over here

I am not in Aus, i live in the Netherlands. I am living with my gf sort of but she's still in school. What do i do then? BTC is way too late to step in. G4p is my only option. We're doomed to be a wage cuck.

and who the fuck are you btw. Wtf is going on with these new twink trips.

It all went to your head?

You watch lesbian porn then?

You can actually sell a house with mortage and even make a small profit with it.
It's still a bug commitment so I get it

Almost every city in Europe is getting expensiver. The immobile bubble is going to hit us in 5-10years but till then we are fu ked

I'm down with lesbian porn. Girls are cute.

I’m handling 1g test better than you big guy..

you could wait a couple of weeks or consider it a kickstarter.

I'm assuming u meant test ace

Housing here is only expensive if you live near or in major cities. Outside those areas the housing is quite cheap plus the town I'm in has been growing like crazy.

BTC isn't late if you trade on a margin. Watch BTC over the next few months if we hold levels above 6k-6.1k open up a long on 10x-x25 lev and hold it. If we break those levels open a short on the same lev and hold. Gg

Just a twink looking for a masc daddy.

no tren ace, can i take both on the same day or should i wait for from test e to kick in a bit?

i dont watch any porn anymore.. i just stroke it to thoughts of cardio bunnies bouncing on my cock when me and the gf are fighting.. its nice. she really loses all her power over me

50 mg eod is trt tier.. gotta pump those numbers up.

I mainly read doujins. The written dialogue in them is infinitely hotter than any porn and doujins get way more degenerate.

A small penis is useless

Old ones are gross

What about you tell that Persian girl to make out with another girl and then you jack off in front of that. Like sort of real life .cuc.khold porn

You seriously blasting 1g test already lmao

I am too retarded to make money of such things.


Persian girl is from Iran. She finds lesbians and gays gross. Plus I am not attracted to her. So watching her do things wouldn't do anything for me.

Story time
>be in relationship 3 years
>met girl 2month into relationship
>hit it off flirt but I am a loyal fag
>over course of 3 years met a few times at partys
>if I met you sooner sure but still loyal fag
>invites me today for her going away party, goes to another country
>last chance to smash
>still happy in relationship
Should I cheat for the first time?


No. Why the fuck would you do that? It makes no sense.

You've been loyal for 3 years. Had opportunities to smash and be with her much earlier. Yet you think that cheating on your loyal girlfriend of 3 years with this girl who will now never be your girlfriend and living with the guilt and the potential threat of ruining your relationship is a good idea?

You risk your 3 year relationship and being alone since you can't be with this other girl anyway.

You're not only a piece of shit but a fucking dumbass to boot. Really, you can only pick one. Be a piece of shit and clever or be a dumbass and loyal as a dog.

fuck off, not Jow Forums related, reported and saged.

Hard to judge post full physique.

The only cleaning I do is my computer.

Could have/should have asked nicely. Maybe next time :^)

Why not abuse here? Does she have a place of her own?

Imagine if she then finds out and tells you she already cheated on you multiple times so she doesn't even care.

That would be BRUTAL af

Imagine being this mad and beta about someones that decides to cheat, lmao


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oh fucking course lol

this is your chance to cheat without ever hurting your gf because she won't find out, there's no chance of you falling for the other girl, etc. just do it.

more than likely.. awalt

She lives with her sister. I don't want to abuse her. To be honest, I find her kind of annoying.

>Imagine being this mad and beta about someones that decides to cheat, lmao
I say it because I've been cheated on before. It's a heartbreaking feeling.

But also because it's so fucking stupid. If you were going to cheat, do it sooner rather than dumping time and energy into a relationship that you might just end up fucking ruining after 3 years. I also just don't understand it. If you're that unhappy with your sexual life with your partner, then bring it up to her? Or just fucking break up since it's obviously not working you absolute fucking piece of shit.

Only time that 'cheating' could ever be permitted is if there is an agreement to an open relationship but then it isn't cheating because both partners accept that it's just fulfilling sexual urges that perhaps your partner is uncomfortable with or cannot fulfil for whatever reason. There's no emotional attachment, deceiving or lying.

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I say no, purely for reasons of self interest. In the event that the sex is amazing it’ll possibly make you unsatiafied with your current relationship, which you seem pretty happy in (or you would have cheated when presented with the opportunity earlier). If you’re happy, don’t do it.

what can I expect from 12.5mcg of T4?
that's what I just got prescribed by a doctor for thyroid dysfunction and I'm wondering if I should take the double dose instead to get at least some positive body composition effects

but if hes thinking of it.. i mean you see deliberation in his green text.. if he goes to the party.. they're going to fool around.. i guarantee it

>have a thyroid dysfunction that needs medical treatment through prescription medication

I might be a borderline dysfunctional human being but Jesus Christ some of you people are impressive.

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Yeah I did 750 for a month or so and felt great. So I bumped to 1g a couple weeks ago and so far so good.
Definitely experiencing real esto sides for the first time.
If I don’t keep up on my ai I’ll get puffy nips and my ankles will swell.
Other than that the strength is great and I look full as fuck. Just miss my definition and muscle seperation.

Damn you could have two even. Imagine the possibilities. One licking your butt hole and then fuck the other from behind.

I know the thinking about it, but i didn't understand why you were so caring about someone you don't even know.

If she cheated on you it was probably your own fault by being too boring, having a small dick or being too beta. I think all 3 would be in your case

You think you couldn't make any gains anymore on 750 alone?

I'll accept two of the three.

My dick is normal sized and fully functional.

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fix you fucking name
long sei

I can get a script in days if I can convince my doctor to increase the dose or if I tell him I ran out of meds (which I have 200 days worth of at the moment) you retarded namefag
I know that general threads are mostly cancer but Jesus Christ you're taking it to a whole new level and you're even some anime watching pedophile

I’m sure I could have..
But when I dropped the dhb it left a hole in my heart that I decided to fill with more test.
Idk. I wanna get hueg. I’m just being impatient now.
Diet and training is on point though.
5 days a week and eating til I’m sick every damn day

How about this, fuck you?

>calling me retarded
>trying to recomp on fucking T4 which is just T3 little dicked baby brother

Yeah nah lol

If your doctor is that easy to convince to increase dosages and hand out medication like candy, then you would have asked for a increased dosage straight away or even better, asked for T3.

>On point
>Everyday he snapchats more beer

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And fuck you I barely drink anymore.
A few on the weekends


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No need to shame bb, we can all be ourselves here

What is your diet like then? Someone at your size could easily gain more on 750 and more food, especially when you're not even roiding for that long

why you dropped dhb?

You know that meme in highschool where everyone would go around and compare the distance between the tip of their thumb and tip of their index finger fully stretched out, and that was the supposed size of your dick?

Just by pure coincidence, it actually is the size of my dick. I remember freaking out in highschool because I had such small hands compared to all the other guys, thought they all had 9 inch dicks and whatever. But the meme was that statistically I had a bigger dick than a slight majority of them all anyway.

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Thoughts/opinions on dbol? I'm thinking about trying it as my first cycle since I'm too much of a pussy to inject myself. I might start pinning test if things go well but I'm still unsure if I should give up my natty card or not.

>statistically I had a bigger dick than a slight majority of them all anyway
if you include lesser races in the statistics maybe

youre taking steps backwards from gains with any beers. it ups ure estro.. so just think instead of building ure flushing poison out of ure body

I don’t have a specific “diet” but I mean, I eat eggs and bacon and waffles in the morning. Meat and carbs for lunch and meat and carbs for dinner. And eat almonds and yogurt, protein bars and shakes throughout the day.
Like, I’m full all the time

Dick size has zero correlation to race. The only physical signifier is height which is weakly correlated. Which I think is where the 'Asians have small dicks' thing comes from because they're shorter and thus more likely to have smaller dicks. But the evidence is still pretty weak.

Nano is a good 5 inches shorter than me but his dick btfos mine.

My buddy crusader is exaggerating.. I have a couple beers on the weekend. Never even get drunk.

My metabolism is nuts though, I miss a meal and I lose 2 pounds overnight. I have to be actively overeating every day

tell us more about how u and /fraud/ trade dick pics. genuine concern

part of the game fambalamb.. ure body doesnt naturally want to be huge.. it takes effort! never understood how obese people maintain those weights

We don't trade dick pics. I just know that Nano has a bigger dick than me.

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Funny how my rant got deleted but every other degenerated non fraud related post gets to stay up.
I am gonna go there cause there are some other people I know but probably won't cheat. Maybe a little romantic longing kiss but that's it I swear!

girth or length .. i hear the former is the only one that matters

Estp said she liked mine better ;)

just do it.. you will need to live with the guilt, it will be a life lesson for you.

I know he btfos my length. I don't know about girth since I haven't measured my own.

Probably, given she never got to see mine.

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oral only cycles are retarded. youre going to fuck u your liver n really miss out on the magic

Heh I’m such a loser, about to turn 24 and still kissless. I thought Roids would make someone like me but I guess the autism is too strong.

No need to be so defensive about it bb. We all know you have a tiny penis

How much do you weigh then? I don't think you eat enough

How big is your dick. Don't lie