

Attached: Shiro 8.jpg (1280x720, 65K)

Post moar pics of fat gf

I save little money because of this. I am forced to get a sort of more expensive apartment because they changed the law that only really poor people can have the apartments from 400-500 euro's a month.

Crazy that you pay so little for mortgage. How big is that house? How many rooms etc?

Maybe we can do something together. I bet a love of people are willing to pay in order to see that

this is the worst thread in this trash board
bunch of dysmorphic tripfag attentionwhores
kill yourselves

>Mum gets angry if I cook past 9pm
>But she and stepdad watch tv until 9pm and they get angry with me cooking because they can't hear the TV
>It's now past 9pm so I was going to just get fast food
>But now they're having an argument and I just don't want to get caught up in that retarded shit

Guess I'll fucking starve.

I don't plan on getting fucked by anyone masT.

And yet you're here.

For what purpose?

Downpayment my man, I have no idea about the actual size but we have a seperate kitchen room, dining room, living room and 3 bedrooms upstairs. We also have a basement. Its not huge by any means but it'll do plenty for 2 people.

Be happy we have a containment board

Your humiliation and maybe fapping

Please adopt me.

Nobody cares about you, so why do you bother to share your opinion

I thought you wanted be a girl

I know that buying a house actually more cheaper then renting. Since they raise the rent also each year

But i find it risky to have a mortgage since i only have 1 income. Gf is still in school

I want to be a girl. Doesn't mean I'm a faggot who likes men.