How often do you guys cheat?
If never, how do you maintain sanity?
I do it once every two weeks and honestly it seems to spike my metabolism up

Attached: fatfuck.jpg (602x339, 53K)

once a month
order a big ass 'za
feel like shit after

Damn I do it once per week, typically on Friday's.
Would expanding the time increase my metabolism, or just put my body into weight saving mode?

>how do you maintain sanity
"Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels"
Repeat this whenever you feel like eating something shitty, works best when you do it while flexing in the mirror.

Every day unironically, I have 3 healthy meals and I end up with sweet like ice cream, cookies, or pastry to exceed my daily callories and bulk up

Define "cheat"

Have something that's not on a rigidly defined meal plan?
Have something people would ordinarily consider unhealthy?

Sometimes my friend wants me to go out to a restaurant so I'll get a chicken breast there with mustard sauce and three big shrimp with some honey glaze and some sauteed broccolini. It's not perfect, but it's not awful.

Typically after a period of time, you get one day where you don't eat bland, boring, and low cal food, but instead gorge on multiple high calorie or hi cal foods. Like pic related.

Once every two weeks get a big dirty cunt of a fucking chinese; roast duck in cantonese w/ fried rice and a separate tub of special fried rice.

once I get actually big will cheating be less detrimental to how I look? I can't imagine the physique of would suffer much from getting fatter (unless he lets himself go completely, blaha style)

or, is what I just said only true for roiders?