Any other maladaptive daydreamers here?

any other maladaptive daydreamers here?

I am completely incapable of focusing on the present

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I just spent two hours daydreaming about a cashier who was nice to me.

people usually brush it off as bullshit when I tell them I get so lost in thought that I tune out reality. I feel like its a very useful skill that isnt viewed as it should be

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I spend anywhere from 2 to 4 hours a day just daydreaming and listening to music.
I must have made hundreds of different scenarios in my head I just play out like a movie.

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I'm pretty sure it's a schizoid thing if that's actually the right word here. While in many and even most ways you know the fantasy isn't real and experiance the present reality separately the emotional element of it is still deeply experianced and very real to the point that it can actually inform or even disort your thinking and perceptions towards the real world, especially if your fantasies involve real people you know and spend time with. I actually think we are legitimately insane but only mildly so. "Maladaptive daydream" is a drastic and dishonest understatement which does not eben remotely do justice to the impact and power of the imaginings.
As a side note if anyone ever ever ever ever tells you that psychedelic drugs like LSD will fix your issues please punch them right in the fucking face

T-this is a thing..? I'm fucked then, I probably daydreamed over 7-10 hours a day every day from middle to high school to now, every day at uni/work. Anything to escape from my depressing, sad, monotonous life. I probably spend a few hours every day in bed just imagining a better life. I practically fall asleep if I'm not daydreaming.

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I daydream about my own anime ops where im the protag.

>As a side note if anyone ever ever ever ever tells you that psychedelic drugs like LSD will fix your issues please punch them right in the fucking face

Bad experience?

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I do this Shit everyday should I just end it all?

LSD isn't a panacea and definitely doesn't work every time, but man did it help me for a few months. Literally some other happiest and most productive of my life.

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Part of the reason why I can't hold a job.
Why can't I be normal.
Fuck me.

I want to court that bunny

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shes to good for you user

settle for a rat girl or something

has anyone else daydreamed so much for so long that you don't even really have an identity? when i interact with strangers i have no idea if i'm acting like myself or not because i don't even know who i am or what my personality is

my entire life has been one long narrative in my head

most recently i was a space marine but i just killed him off. who knows where this delusion will go next

reality sucks. i like my own company

How did he die?
Did he fall to Chaos?

no he rammed his ship into the enemy mothership

Does OPs or the rest of the posts in this thread even remotely describe you? If no then fuck the right the fuck off with your shit "advice" becuase you've got no idea what the fuck you're really talking about.

There's a visual novel where one of the protagonists get's bullied so hard he spends most his time daydreaming about being in an isekai. Were you guys bullied?

i've come to terms with the same problem op.

i work as custodian for an elementary school. it's a good run of the mill job for anyone who loves to daydream because most of the time you're alone by yourself. nobody is there to bother your train of thought. and you can listen music as well which means you can come full circle with your daydreams while doing your work on autopilot. sometimes though, i get so caught up in my daydreams that i completely forget where i'm going or what i'm about to do, and it all happens several times throughout the day.

it's been like that for as long as i can remember. life has always been tragically boring. there's no direction, no meaning, it just goes on and on without resolve and reason, with people hardly worth caring about. inside my own head i can change that. i can be the creative director of a story that has all those things. and when you combine that with the beautiful abstraction of music, all of a sudden it has weight and motion to it. there is feeling. and that's hard thing to come by if you're a person who hardly interacts with people at all.

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literally everyone does this lel

I get actively ridiculed in social situations regularly for being spaced out. by my observations this doesn't happen to everyone

I cant picture anything in my head. Mostly what goes on in my head are phrases repeating over and over, painful memories, terrible music on loop, trying to justify my existence with long excuses, calling myself stupid, thinking of past conversations that make me mad, trying to focus on my breath so I can get a break, desperately trying to remember things like names, adjectives, and dates, thinking about suicide, and what I should be doing right then. I wish I could imagine cool cowboys and having conversations with interesting characters but I cant control my thoughts without extreme effort. I get a headache when I try to think. I cant picture anything without the image shaking and twisting around. I fucking hate my brain. Does anyone here know what im talking about? I try to meditate but it doesnt help except when Im in the act.

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