Lifting and libido

Does this mean your libido is higher or that you just for less picky? I guess maybe that's the same thing
Well at least it's not just me then
Tried that years ago for five days longest in my life. My balls where so swollen I got headaches and it never wore off. No fap is for low test betas.
I take zinc and magnesium everyday with b12

I'm already at that point. I worry about it what I'll want if it keeps going up like thjs

>No fap is for low test betas
lmao faggot. i've been on a nofap since october and have been getting laid constantly at least twice a week. i can't even begin to describe the benefits

git gud

>LARPing this hard

cope harder tripshit. i had sex last night but still woke up this morning with a raging boner

Attached: 1462169572235.jpg (260x260, 16K)

me and the boys ran a train on a homeless girl once. she was bow legged the following morning.

Why brag about your dick working? Does it usually not

He's not lying. You will get laid more on a nofap. The 'why' is debatable but the effect is clear

>Homeless girl
What diseases did you catch?

put your trip back on faggot