Okay bros I need advice from some boomers who had both a good fight and also have anger issues.
Long story short today morning I was white tier angry and I felt like if I go ahead and go for a fight I will kill this fucking parasite. Now I wonder if it just goes away as you beat them and you can safely do that, or should I avoid conflict in fear of getting jailed for murder?
You are not a man until you control your emotions.
>I didn't even know I was hit.
Landon Scott
I tried to, I walked away before doing what I wanted but for next fucking hour I was winded up with smothering rage
Jordan White
Easiest way to defuse any situation is to laugh. Just laugh at how fucking funny it is that some retard would actually want to settle a dispute with violence like a 2 year old. Laugh at yourself if you have to. Think about how hilarious it is that you think it will solve anything by assaulting someone.
Xavier Bailey
Tell us the story so we may all laugh at your over reaction.
>I will kill this fucking parasite No, not likely. Rage does not make you that much more effective
Blake Roberts
the anger wont go away by acting on it. you just need to calm down.
Grayson Bell
Yes but its been a while because I'm an adult and not slave to my emotions
William Collins
> live with two students > wake up at 5:50 each day to get to work > technically in our agreement with landlord we've got a rule about night silence from 10 pm to 6 am > I decide not to be a dick and let them do student stuff so I buy pair of earplugs > all's good until the cunt starts playing keyboard right after I go to sleep > I ask him to keep it quiet because I can't sleep when he does that > He promises to keep it quiet and buy headset which he never does so I still hear silent playing > this week starts > the cunt starts to laugh a lot, laughing pierces through earplugs > he wakes me up 3 time past 5 days > I tell myself I did same as student and let it go > two days ago he brings some bitch up around 4 am,instead of taking her to his room he talks with her loud under my door and wakes me up > he's probably drunk I say, I will be a nice person and let him score this time and have a talk about being quiet later on > today at 5 AM I wake up to laughter again > it doesn't stop > I walk to take a piss, he runs to his room > I see a note left over the sink > " Somebody had to clean the sediment because somebody can't stop himself from coughing and spitting" > I got allergic condition and I have to remove phlegm from my throat before I go to sleep and after I wake up > Any meds for that would be fucking with eye meds so I just try to do it quiet > That fucking cunt woke me up at 5 AM to laugh at my sickness >I run to his room,open doors and start yelling at him > he antagonizes me for storming into his room calling me names > I lose ability to speak coherently, all I can think about is smashing his skull and throwing him out of the building to make him disabled and ask him later how is it going > My blood is hot and I just stand there, he sees something is fucked up > I back off and shut his fucking doors > For next 50 minutes I try to calm the fuck down
You should be happy you found a landlord willing to rent to a mentally challenged person with no handler
Asher Lopez
How would you play it calm user?
Colton Sullivan
>grown adult living with students
Get a proper job get your own place, become a man.
John Wood
I'm back for master's degree in 3 months
Levi Powell
Then live like a student, or move fucking out.
Take yourself away from a bad situation with people you clearly despise.
Jonathan Hall
For one thing I wouldnt endure a hundred little annoyances and then scream at my roommate like a psycho. Unless he's a complete cunt of a person he probably would have quieted down if you asked him in the first place. Secondly, leaving your body waste in the sink is fucking gross, no matter how shitty your roommate is he is not responsible for cleaning up your medical waste. Third, if he was actually violating quiet hours and did quiet down after you request him to you can take it to the landlord IE the guy with actual fucking power to enforce it. Here's what it sounds like from your story. Your some older dude living with a student, you take meds, and your always silent and grumpy. You leave snot/vomit in the sink and scream at him for being up all night like a college kid is going to do. He probably thinks you're a fucking psycho, I haven't even seen you and I think you are.
Chase Gutierrez
>Unless he's a complete cunt of a person he probably would have quieted down if you asked him in the first place.
Did number of times, never had an effect
>Secondly, leaving your body waste in the sink is fucking gross, no matter how shitty your roommate is he is not responsible for cleaning up your medical waste.
Never left a body waste, I flush everything down, he claimed that normal sludge/sediment comming from hard water is my fault.
>Third, if he was actually violating quiet hours and did quiet down after you request him to you can take it to the landlord IE the guy with actual fucking power to enforce it.
As I mentioned before I was trying to be a good guy who doesn't fuck their fun up, wanted it to be a relation of mutual respest. Didn't work, will give ultimatum and if they don't shut the fuck up, I'm taking it to landlord.
> Your some older dude living with a student, you take meds, and your always silent and grumpy.
I'm 3 years older than them, but you are somewhat right,I can feel that we're in different generations.
> scream at him for being up all night like a college kid is going to do.
No, I didn't scream before, I asked him not to play fucking keyboard in the middle of the night. Also studying process doesn't involve being obnoxiously loud, you can do it in silence, like all other people I've lived with.
>I haven't even seen you and I think you are.
You and me buddy.
Grayson Diaz
It happens, maybe he will be intimidated enough to stop. Clean up your phlegm and consider going to the landlord next time.
Doesn't seem like the kind of cunt worth getting kicked out over.
Dominic Parker
Your problem is everytime you had a problem you bottled it up, thinking that he would notice that you were being nice, so while you were accumulating things to be angry for, he had no idea and you just exploded in his face, like a woman. Next time just talk whenever you have a problem
Austin Sullivan
You sound like you have some serious issues. Both physical and mental.
To keep this thread relevant to the board and to judge you even more: what are your 1RMs?
Sebastian White
It's Health and Fitness, feel threads get a pass so this one shouldn't be a problem either
200kg diddly, 130kg squat, 110kg bench, 35kg OHP Cunt who annoyed me is 65kg dyel.
Gavin Bell
Yea, you're right. But even without seeing how ' nice' I was trying to be, he still shouldn't have joked about that fucking phlegm, contrary to what one user understood I didn't leave it around. Thing that annoyed them was sound, and that cunt chose the most childish,enraging way to send me the message
Daniel Rogers
You probably have anger issues because of that pathetic OHP.
I see no other explanation cmon I’m sure even your roommate press more for warmup
Logan Brooks
oh. time to ask if he has a problem with you having a medical issue then.
Owen Parker
You're right, if he knew I could OHP him anytime he'd behave like normal human being
Planned to tell him that I'm done with being nice and anytime he breaks night silence I'm gonna get it straight to landlord and let him deal with this shit
Jackson Nelson
No it's just fitness and since your 65kg dyel roommate probably presses more than you untrained you should only be mad at yourself. And fix your bench form cause there's no chance in hell that 110kg is legit if you can't OHP half a pl8.
Gavin Kelly
I've tried getting fit before I've discovered Jow Forums I only did meme exercises and bench press, those little shits around my neck have been untrained for too long
Chase Flores
is phlegm related to ligma in some way?
Connor Evans
no, its probably dehydration, nothing to do with balls