Anger issues and fights

It's Health and Fitness, feel threads get a pass so this one shouldn't be a problem either

200kg diddly, 130kg squat, 110kg bench, 35kg OHP
Cunt who annoyed me is 65kg dyel.

Yea, you're right. But even without seeing how ' nice' I was trying to be, he still shouldn't have joked about that fucking phlegm, contrary to what one user understood I didn't leave it around. Thing that annoyed them was sound, and that cunt chose the most childish,enraging way to send me the message

You probably have anger issues because of that pathetic OHP.

I see no other explanation cmon I’m sure even your roommate press more for warmup

oh. time to ask if he has a problem with you having a medical issue then.

You're right, if he knew I could OHP him anytime he'd behave like normal human being

Planned to tell him that I'm done with being nice and anytime he breaks night silence I'm gonna get it straight to landlord and let him deal with this shit

No it's just fitness and since your 65kg dyel roommate probably presses more than you untrained you should only be mad at yourself. And fix your bench form cause there's no chance in hell that 110kg is legit if you can't OHP half a pl8.

I've tried getting fit before I've discovered Jow Forums I only did meme exercises and bench press, those little shits around my neck have been untrained for too long

is phlegm related to ligma in some way?

no, its probably dehydration, nothing to do with balls