Be honest to yourselves

Be honest to yourselves.
Do you lift because you want to be healthy or so you can show off and fuck some sluts.

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Show off to who? I’m a 30+ year old NEET hermit that never leaves the house and I lift at home in my parents garage with just a Power-rack and barbells.

Not sluts. I lift for my future wife.

Same bro. I just want to have a nice body so I can say I at least accomplished that for when I finally find the strength and courage to kill myself.

Yes to both.

These things do not need to be mutually exclusive motivations.

Both ?

A couple years ago I got in a fight with some moron in the subway, we were both split up before it got bad but after I gave one swing that connected I noticed it did nothing to him. I never want to feel that weak ever again. I lift to get stronger and learn discipline and get to the point where people think twice before fucking with me.

Same, but I have an insta account and I'm going to start showing off my roid enhanced gains
I mean if denis can get his swole on I can too.

I was really planning to kill myself today.
I mean, after I took some ashwagandha and another drug I felt no anxiety at all.
At that moment I realized that the only thing that kept me from killing myself or doing a lot of stuff that can be considered fairly not cool was the anxiety that I cultivated and used as a way to tell me not to do things.

But i saw something funny online and decided to spend my life looking for funny stuff and visting barely legal thots and whores in other countries.

I mean...I have a nice body and a titanic cock. Slutts and being a total narcissist is the only thing I look forward to having and being.

I lift so I can feel better about myself. It gives me more confidence in day to day situations don't aren't about getting chicks.
That confidence helps me get girls but it's an afterthought.

Originally I lifted for girls attention, but during my training I started focusing on myself, and doing it for me.

I could go for some gash

>FSU girl

Yeah I don't have enough cocaine to maintain her interest, sorry

As a young white female she is the most oppressed demographic in America.


What's wrong with FSU girls user? They are literally god tier.

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Both, duh

Everything is wrong with FSU and anyone even remotely associated.

Have you ever been around FSU girls? I go to an ACC college and FSU girls are different animals. The hot ones legitimately don't live on the same level as normal people. The amount of attention they receive is unhealthy to even the most humble person. People that go to FSU absolutely DESTROY their bodies in college, I've never done more blow than when I visited FSU for a football game.

A corny-lookin' white boy, scrawny and always ornery
‘Cause I was always sick of brawny bullies pickin' on me

I lift because I found out I had a fatty liver from being a fat ass. I got really scared so I decided to lose weigh and lift. The sluts came as a bonus but it wasn't my main concern.

Why are so many of them coalburners?

I do it as a sorry of therapy. Kinda hoping it stops me from killing myself one day. Also my step dad is into working out so I do it to appeal to him because I used to see the discuss in his eyes when he looked at me sitting down playing vydia.

This is the only correct answer. Say no to degeneracy

They aren't. Posing for pics with black guys/athletes is just for extra Instagram attention. What they look for (in my experience) is the best overall attention-worthy dude. The guy who can provide them with the most extravagant, attention grabbing experiences wins every time. There are hundreds of girls with perfect bodies, so they need to show off unique experiences to stand out.

Leave with your nigger posting schlomo

I lift because I'm autistic, and I enjoy to perform repetitive movements for 2 hours

I lift to be ready for the civil war

I lift because whenever I see myself in the mirror unflexed without a pump I want to die

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I lift partially for confidence and partially for future job prospects after college. not necessarily to get laid bc I honestly don't have sex that much. I don't put enough effort into getting sex, tho I can identify what parts of my behavior need to change if I wanna be a fuckboy.

What parts?

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As a student I can tell you they are.

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>Healthy for my future child(ren)
>Set a good example for such (Don't need fit kids, just don't want fat/lazy ones)
>Strength to mog other men
>Aesthetics to mog other men
>Fuck sluts until I find my wife
>Give my wife someone to blush over well into my 50's/60's

Maybe the slags who can't get a white athlete do, but black culture is so different in the south than it is anywhere else that most white girls can't handle it

I've told this story. I started lifting eight months ago when my dad passed. We used to make long bows, atlatls and flint knapp points together. The last bow we made was a mistake. It has easily over a hundred pound pull. There was no way i could shoot with it at the time. He loved hunting and i'll take a deer with the last bow we made and the last point he ever knapped. I've just got to get strong enough to do it. I don't care how i look or what girls think of me. I'm almost there.

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Here's how I look at it: most people these days waste their life away watching Netflix or doing the equivalent activity. Would you rather spend your time doing that or doing something that's actually healthy and gives you an edge over the average person

I don't even know how to ask girls out and i dont try so it's not really for girls. Its more for self confidence and looking big so people don't fuck with me.

i lift because i want others to fear me

what does that shirt say?

This, but also to showoff with my buddies

Wow I didn't even notice that

Imagine being that girls dad

I lift to attract 10/10 thots to then turn them down and crush their egos. It’s so much fun.
Nobody is going to touch my dick/body but my future young housewife who keeps my house clean and feeds me and raises my kids while i go off to work.

My dad died almost two years ago user, glad to hear you’re channeling it in a way that sounds like healthy motivation. How did your life go professionally in the 8 months since? I feel like I didn’t drown in misery or anything like that but I didn’t do anything remotely uncomfortable, and I feel like I let 2 years of my life pass without moving towards my goals

you aight white boi

You mean you like to fantasize about attracting 10/10 thots and turning them down to crush their egos

Based and redpilled


Imagine being racist towards your own race.

She's just doing it for attention, it's not like she firmly holds those beliefs. In a way you gotta appreciate how she's willing to eviscerate her self respect to expand her social media.

kek unreal

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Just to show off, I can get bitches without being in complete shape but I like being desired

I only lift and eat healthy because I'm hypochondriac and scared of death

I pity white men

based. i like getting mires when im lifting or at the pool but i would never succumb to the thottery.


they literally are the fuck u talking about man. the sluts on campus are the worst

The approval rate for interracial relationships amongst blacks is like 95% despite all of the anti-black racism from all other non blacks.

This why I, as a black, go hard at people who say words like "coon" and "bedwench" are thrown around too much. They're not thrown around enough. We're a community full of wannabe coons and bedwenches.

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You have to fuck a ton of sloots before you get married that way when you do you'll be less likely to cheat on your wife... Experience some whores

Imagine being so socially disillusioned that you honestly believe that you chose to be an incel instead of being sentenced to it by every girl that's had the misfortune of interacting with you.

Jow Forums would be a utopia if we could somehow figure out a way to keep autistic people from posting

>it's not like she firmly holds those beliefs.
jesus christ this cope is pathetic

>so you can show off and fuck some sluts.
No. I'm nearly 20, never had a real gf nor do I have the desire to. I've never given a fuck about girls to the point where my friends have asked if I'm gay and my Mom has pulled me aside and asked me to please start dating. Idk I guess romance just doesn't click upstairs with me.

>why do I lift
Before the regular chimp posting or even visiting this site I was regularly talking about fighting chimps, it's been a personal goal of mine ever since I watched that video of that 911 call where that retarded fucking ape pulled that woman's face off. It also pissed me off that if humans ever die with earth will be inherited by these retarded and disgusting backwards primates. It filled me with this indescribable rage that some dirty fucking monkey can possibly kill me with it's bare hands, so I started lifting. My goal is to be personally responsible for the death of at least 1 chimpanzee before I die. I want to feel it squirm under my arms as it lets out it's horrible monkey shrieks as I gouge its eyes or drive a knife through its ribs (if weapons are allowed). I train everyday because I'm getting ready for the fight, somewhere out there is an chimp that is gaining strength and sharpening its teeth to survive. I'm here and comfortable in my warm apartment, but guess what, I'm gonna go put hours into a gym where I will develop my strength in a smarter more advanced way, and I'll learn how to fight in a style that fucking chimp has never seen. I'm not some predator, I'm a fucking demon, I'm Satan's errand boy and I'm coming for our rendezvous. In the words of Alan Seegar:
>When Spring trips north again this year,
>And I to my pledged word am true,
>I shall not fail that rendezvous.

I also lift because I constantly flirt with the idea of joining the Army and getting into the 75th Ranger Regiment. I'm getting older and have bad eyes so it probably won't happen, but I like to have that door open.

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No he's right, these women will go right back to having white boyfriends and just lie about their past. Ive known several coalburners that later acted "racist" to virtue signal to white men.

Yes, for financial security. They still fucked black dudes because of physical attraction, and that will never be wiped away.
In the end, they still prefer black guys

I lift for mires in order of descending importance
That old manlet I see most days lifting
Power gap
Taylor Swift
99% of women have no idea what a good lift is and even an Office fatty is like the hulk, when compared to them

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The sluts aren't the really hot ones, literally none of the girls in this picture are worth getting herpes from. The legit 10/10 trophy wives know they don't have to lower themselves to pimping out their puss for a great life, they just have to find the dumbest, richest guy and lock him down.

What am I even accused of coping for? Her shirt is fucking preposterous. People that wear shirts like don't have any firm beliefs, the only thing she firmly holds are fucking cocks. It doesn't matter what color, her shirt has nothing to do with her preferences, she's doing it for a quick attention grab from people like you, who then share her photo with your friends and say "Look at this whore". She wins cause photo stood out to you.

>muh anxiety
holy fuck you're gay

I hope you achieve your dreams

This is the weirdest cuck bullshit I've ever seen, it's like you've internally accepted that girls are more attracted to black guys as universal fact, and then you act like people who don't believe it are fucked?

ah yes I definitely want my advanced military soldiers to have internalized vendettas against fucking monkeys

Dread it. Run from it. White girls loving BBC is fact.

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do you actually fucking believe she isnt fucking non white men?

Isn’t that the plot of Black Hawk Down?

Based and wholesomepilled.

Look, girls with divorced parents.

That's a study I'd like to see. Likelihood of females with divorced parents to date outside of race.

I've met so many more girls who are absolutely repulsed by black guys than girls who like black guys. I just don't really see it as a threat considering I'm taller than most black guys anyways.

Getting cucked by someone taller than you is a way more realistic fear.

Based truth poster
I went to FSU a couple of times, but the most insane time was during one fraternity’s wall building party. They built an enormous (like 15 foot high) wall around the fraternity house out of split logs. It was also a sorority’s parents weekend. Everyone was blasted off coke, wielding power tools and acting like general menaces to society. Eventually the wall collapsed with like 300 parents on it lmao

I lift because when I physically push myself, I get this feeling where I want to go against my brain since I just want to give up, but i just keep pushing and it just intensifies with last reps.
it feels so amazing, it's like if I had a good lift session, I beat myself, I have won.
plus it makes me a bit more confident I feel my chest rise and I feel bigger and I am pleased when I look at my body

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>all those overpigmented mutt sluts
Daily reminder that Osama Bin Laden did nothing wrong.

>chose to be an incel
The correct term is “volcel,” you swine.

No I believe she's fucking every man. Please refer to if you want my opinion on what her goals are.

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This haggard bitch is bugeyed.

nice ideology. also which manga?

I do it to mog all my male friends and for my future fit wife

Tallanasty is so unspeakably disgusting it's hard to even describe it.

If so many white girls are coalburners, why do all of them scowl at me and try to get their bfs to remove me? I have a black gf but im just wondering.

But she is still coalburner

What color are you


just use the reverse image search built-into his post. select iqdb then the link to saucenao. you’ll find it.

I just want to look good to myself and be healthy.

>select iqdb then the link to saucenao
i know about reverse search but what is this?

Keep up the good fight, we're getting more and more and degenerates will be selected out in a matter of few generations. You're making the world a better place.

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Brown, look like pic related basically.

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thats why nigger. you have to be pitch black looking

Why picking one?
I train to be healthier, to look better, and to be able to fuck the absolute shit out of an another hookup.

certainly not lifting for some coal burning whore

Probably because they're scared of getting molested by a dude with that mustache.

The patrician answer.

have some respect for your mother young man

If your goal is to change the gene pool for the better, wouldn't that mean spreading your seed across many whores?