I could go for some gash
Be honest to yourselves
>FSU girl
Yeah I don't have enough cocaine to maintain her interest, sorry
As a young white female she is the most oppressed demographic in America.
What's wrong with FSU girls user? They are literally god tier.
Both, duh
Everything is wrong with FSU and anyone even remotely associated.
Have you ever been around FSU girls? I go to an ACC college and FSU girls are different animals. The hot ones legitimately don't live on the same level as normal people. The amount of attention they receive is unhealthy to even the most humble person. People that go to FSU absolutely DESTROY their bodies in college, I've never done more blow than when I visited FSU for a football game.
A corny-lookin' white boy, scrawny and always ornery
‘Cause I was always sick of brawny bullies pickin' on me
I lift because I found out I had a fatty liver from being a fat ass. I got really scared so I decided to lose weigh and lift. The sluts came as a bonus but it wasn't my main concern.