Here is mine >late at night,only me and some other dude I dont know very well >relaxing in between sets,browsing Jow Forums >he comes walking in my direction >pleasejustleavemealoneandletmeworkout.png >comes up to me >asks me if im feeling fit >"uh yeah" >asks me if im lucky >tell him how I am not feeling particulary lucky at the moment >he turns a 360 and leaves
>be me >leaning on rage between sets >look over and see another guy >he’s looking right at me >I smile to relieve the tension >he immediately smiles back >I laugh >he laughs >I look away and so does he >oh shit this is weird >does he like me or something? >tfw I’m not even gay >look back up and he’s looking at me again >both out faces are serious >fuck it >I walk towards him >he’s walking towards me >oh fuck am I gonna do this >I’m gonna do it >walk into mirror
Ive posted about it before but theres always this butch lesbian chick who follows me around the gym. If i move to the squat rack, she moves next to it. If im doing abs by the rowing machne, guess who is now using the rowing machine. Its annoying cause its a smallish gym, and there are mirrors and windows everywhere so i can see her watching where i go to move.
Nolan Phillips
Why does she do it? Does she like you? Converting a lesbian, if she’s attractive, is one of my fantasies
Cooper Turner
No clue, i dont like to talk to people when i work out. Its not a coincidence cause it happens every time we workout at the same time, no matter what im doing or if my workout is going slow or fast. Shits annoying.
Eli Johnson
maybe she wants to look like you. might be on her ideal grid
Jason Thomas
that was nice
Julian Lee
Fuck i hope not, she’s like a 5’5” 120lb chick. If she wants to look like me than i cant be jacked enough
Michael James
>asks me if im feeling fit He was asking if you frequented this board. A few years ago, it was a meme to ask people at the gym "feelin' fit, buddy?" if you thought they were Jow Forums users. That autist is probably reading this thread now.