Mark Rippetoe is an obese halfwit

and you shouldn't listen to him

pay attention to JTS, RTS, etc. instead

you're welcome

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Other urls found in this thread:

I've listened to a handful of Rippetoe videos and most of his advice was as fundamentally sound and common sense as it gets. If you took a pic of Muhammad Ali at age 62 (how old Mark is now) you could say "never listen to this shriveled up old man about boxing, look at him he's shaking he can't even sit still!"

Newsflash: People get old.

Starting strength and PPST are great books for beginners and intermediates. JTS is better but it just covers and expands on PPST.

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Charlatan geologist kek

blocks your path*

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Boris Sheiko: years of success as a coach at the highest levels of The Sport of Powerlifting

Mark Rippetoe: chooses to invent The Sport of Strengthlifting to cover up his abject failure as a powerlifting coach

>abject failure as a powerlifting coach
And as a powerlifter too. Blaha-tier total while also being /fraud/. Come to think of it, he's pretty much a financially successful version of blaha.

lmao, bloho wishes he turteled anywhere close to prime rippetoe

I now remember Alan Thrall's video on that, and how it was never mentioned again.

So I'm guessing SS coaches are forced to participate.

SS is simple and it works.
Recommend a better beginner program.
I'll wait.

But strengthlifting is just powerlifting with the bench press replaced by the Press. I hardly think Rippetoe making it is a cope.

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5 minutes of browsing his forum is enough to conclude he’s a close-minded blowhard who appeals to young boot lickers who need to be told exactly what to do at all times. Texas is full of these “people”

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Candito LP

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it also forbids the sumo deadlift (even though the sumo deadlift isn't necessarily easier than the conventional deadlift). but the very similarity of "Strengthlifting" to PL is exactly why it's a cope

Has he lost his fucking mind?

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A masterpiece of strokeposting

Reg Parks Beginner routine. its pretty much SS with the proper accessory lifts.

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drugged up bodybuilder?

Powerlifting is a joke

more of a joke than weightlifting
about as much of a joke as strongman
less of a joke than bodybuilding, CrossFit, "Strengthlifting", etc.

He’s in his 60’s, can deadlift 500 lbs, and can do chin-ups for double digits. Sounds Jow Forums to me.

What the fuck is strengthlifting?

Strengthlifting is superior to Powerlifting because it replaces the contortionist bench press with The Press™

Mark Rippetoe is a retard.
He teaches "the big 3", but doesn't teach the most important powerlifting lift, the standing biceps curl

Is Jim Wendler legit?

Not at all analogous.


hmm let me take Bill Starr's work and smear cum over it until autists go mad for it.

Starr-ting Strength.

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all those have been done almost a decade ago lol, he is so mulch fatter now

>500 lbs
That might have been a respectable number 40 years ago, but I'm not very impressed by it today when the world record is literally over 500kg.
Pretty sure there are people out there who can bench that much FFS

>not having any sense of humor
fuck off

no, he lost his extension cord because some dumbass didn't roll it up

Are you a retard user? The man is 62, find me someone else who lifts that much at his age.

>Pretty sure there are people out there who can bench that much FFS
in the 2018 IPF Worlds, multiple people benched that much or more. 500lb = 226.8kg

Erik Willis (-120kg): 230kg
Amandas Paulauskas (-120kg): 250kg
Steve Ringoot (120kg+): 230kg
Siim Rast (120kg+): 235kg
Ray Williams (120kg+): 242.5kg
Kelly Branton (120kg): 265kg
Ilyas Boughalem (120kg): 281.5kg

Barry Pigott (-105kg) benched 226.5kg so he could bench 500lb as well


Mind boggling that he can spend all day in a gym, talk about fitness 24/7, and host a fitness podcast where he interviews doctors and shit and still be fat as fuck. The front page of fit is going to be spammed with rip in the hospital getting a double bypass any day now.

>implying that world records are made by naturals
>ever comparing world records to a natural lifter
>comparing elite lifters to a literal grandpa
user, I...

This but CrossFit is easily more of a joke

No. 5/3/1 is light, low volume, fluff that only caught on because Jim trained at Westside.

He's got okay taste in music though and a lot of this board would do well to heed his advice for novices ('go squat heavy for a decade and get back to me')


His chin up video is older though.

5/3/1 is just a modified peak block routine. all he did was brand it while taking it from one of the big guys like sheiko or louie

B-but I just started 531... It has a lot of volume if you do boring but big.... AM I REALLY BEING MEMED???

Juggernaught Method

5/3/1 is fine, don't worry. you can always add more volume if you need to, but BBB is great if you challenge yourself on the 5x10s

>if you challenge yourself on the 5x10
this is key, but even this will only get you so far. once your progress on 5/3/1 BBB stalls out, consider something like the kind of block periodisation described by the JTS guys (they've got a book (Scientific Principles of Strength Training) but it's all on their youtube channel); it's a repeatable, adaptable scheme

>It has a lot of volume if you do boring but big
5x10@50% of your TM is 5x10 @ 45%

By comparison has you doing 5x10@ 60% of your TM or 54% of your actual max, plus accessory work.

It's not like you literally couldn't do worse just that there's lots of better stuff out there: JTS, Sheiko, RTS, Nuckols free programs, Hell even a competently set up conjugate program is at least as good as 5/3/1.

> using the poster boy for drugged up old men to bolster your argument

good job stupid.

SS is such a meme, bro split is the only way to actually get good results.

SS sounded so simple and straightforward. If i use my brains in how i eat, should i get some results. Was thinking doing atleast january this starting tomorrow. About to hit bed and I dont have knowledge to study any other programme or design my own. What do?

SS is fine just don't expect to run it for more than a couple of months (more than 3 is really pushing it unless you're very responsive to training)

Don't try to gain 50lbs in that time either though if you're not a fat fuck you're probably underweight and should run a ~500kcal surplus

do SS until you have a solid strength foundation (hitting intermediate 1rm's easy), then transition to brosplit or some other 4 day shit. the main problem retards have with SS is they do it for a fucking year and end up looking fucking ridiculous. When you get the message, hang up the phone.

Thanks, stay hydrated.

You're too cynical and negative. Never gonna make it.

Dr Life. Real name. Perfect diet and TRT (that he prescribes to himself lol).