Ketosis + Protein diet

>eat no carbs, trigger ketosis
>eat pure protein to balance muscle loss
>train as usual to keep muscle up
>lose fat, gain issues.

Did I just hack the system?

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>did I just hack the system?
Yes, as long as you don't care about long-term damage

>eat no carbs
>gain muscle
Here is the flaw in ur "hack"

because you train, and keep using those muscles, and go harder. your body has NO choice but to increase, and use the fat for energy.

simple as.

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And thats where u are wrong mate

There is a reason why 99% of pro athletes arent keto retards
ESPECIALLY strength athletes

It works
You need fat though to cover energy expense (be it your own fat or dietary fat, once you're lean)
If you're not accustomed ketosis yet, your training performance will take a hit a week or two though

>muscle are made of carbs

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T sub 2pl8 bencher

and that reason is???

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>There is a reason why 99% of pro athletes arent keto retards
They're 1. on steroids; 2. aiming for best perfomance at competitions, not for best aesthetics

I just hit 2pl8 for reps a couple weeks ago tbqh


energy, working out in ketosis is fucking terrible especially at near 1RM percentages

> cut out two thirds of the macronutrients
> lol hacked
You don’t achieve a better diet by cutting things OUT, you achieve a better diet by adding more variety. It’s additive not subtractive. The only thing you should be autistic about minimizing is added sugar.

You can't eat too much protein on keto. It will spike your insulin. You need to eat like 80% fat.

>working out in ketosis is fucking terrible
Quite sure you never did keto for more than a couple weeks

You can't build muscle and lose fat at a significant rate at the same time if you aren't completely untrained. Stop being retarded. Just cut and bulk like everyone else or clean bulk you dumb fucks. All you want is an easy route.

>spike your insulin

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>You can't eat too much protein on keto. It will spike your insulin
Get your facts checked user
Eating lots of protein on keto is quite different from doing it on a high carb diet
"Dr. Benjamin Bikman - 'Insulin vs. Glucagon: The relevance of dietary protein'" about 20min onwards:

Pic related; Insulin (I) to Glucagon (G) ratio after ingestion of protein compared in SAD and low carb

Attached: Insulin Glucagon Ratio.png (1366x841, 236K)

>no carbs
>train as usual
t. recently broke ketosis after 6 months

funny, considering 99% of the keto shills you find online are also not only on steroids but also stimulants like coffee, most of them sell their own stimulants.

Keto is fucking stupid shit, but the ide aof eating a higher fat low carb diet is not stupid by itself, it's only stupid if you focus on the actual ketosis state.

High protein diets which are essential for maximizing muscle growth are not possible on a true ketogenic diet, this fact alone should push people away from keto diets.
A low carb high fat diet though can work well, just don't lower protein intake and don't put fat on a pedestal, and also eat some fucking carbs ffs literally no reason not to eat some fruit.

>1g per kilo
how relevant is this shit again?
all of the protein you're eating is being used for preserving muscle mass at that low ammount, almost none of it is being used for the synthesis of carbohydrates.

what food counts as 'fat'?

you know which, not that it matters anyway

Snake Diet has already proven this theory
I've been eating 5 lbs raw steak for my meal for a few weeks now
feel good
lifts keep increasing
muscle growing in size and definition
no fat increase

I agree with you on the grasp of it but you taking it on a already lean lifter, like 15% bf at most; and that what you said pretty much what Vince Gironda recommended for the general lifter on his "steak and eggs" diet (which included carb refeed every 4 days, mostly starchs); btw, doing such refeed won't break ketosis for those who already accustomed to it , since your body will trend to keep doing whatever it's already doing (if you don't break macros on most days, like going from SAD to low carb or the other way around)

OP, however, made clear that he has plenty of fat to lose for starters; in that case, going keto eating only lean meat will work exactly as he put it (except for diminished training performance at first couple weeks of transitioning into keto); you do not need to take my word for eat: what OP proposed it's snake diet "anabolic" version, and there are plenty examples of people thriving on it on snake diet instagram, also on "principia carnivora" group on fb etc

Not much in this case, just a reference value to assure they were eating enough protein (else one could argue that there wasn't a insulin peak bc subjects weren't eating enough protein to spike insulin)

>It's another "ignore long term cardio vascular damage for a short term meme diet that allows be to eat bacon every day" thread

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I don't disagree with any of that.
Vince gironda had it right in a way, his steak and eggs diet worked well because it provided a fuckton of protein and calories,
I don't see the point in going keto but I do see benefits in a lower carb and higher fat diet, better digestion being one of them.

that or they are addicted to sugar which is 8x more addictive than cocaine

what do you think keto is?

Thank you dr michael greger for this brilliant reminder, you truly serve Dr ancel key's like a good man

your body burns fat much slower than carbs, you need both to stay energetic
just keep a balanced diet it's not rocket science

1 week into keto and I want to quit, should I go on?
I just crave to eat like a normal person and not a homeless man

such as?

>Try Keto
>No bread, no sugars outside of the occasional knock off treat using stevia or monkfruit, and almond flower
>Go from 216 to 165 in about a month
>Plateau at 165 and still have stomach fat
>I eat mostly beef, sausage, chicken, cauliflower, broccoli, spinach, cucumber, strawberry, egg, cheese, full fat yogurt
>Occasionally mushroom, kale, lettuce
Is that well balanced enough? because before all I was eating was sweet potato, and cinnamon rolls.

I quit after 1 week, I enjoy my food too much, I had a low week and thought that I couldn’t eat certain food turned me right off, if you can, go for another week or so and see if it gets easier

"balance" is a myth. beef contains everything you need. vegetables can make it more palatable and can help with pooping.
drop the dairy to lose more weight.
do some fasting.
also use light salt.

That's the point of carnivore, the additional carbs we cook are what put us out of balance. Glucogenesis or whatever takes the protein you've got and turns it into the PRECISE amount of glycogen your body needs at any given moment.

If you don't die on Keto (which you won't) then you won't die on Carnivore (which no one has). Unlimited food, and you get ripped, but with the muscle building that you cannot get from the macro imbalance of keto.

Okay OP here, I honestly just made this thread to see whether the diet im currently doing will kill me or not.

good to see it wont. im a fat shit, who wants to drop fat and keep the muscle. so far its good, but it doesnt look like im gonna die.
thanks Jow Forums

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Carnivore will go horribly for you unless you eat enough fat. High protein isn't a sustainable diet.

>gluconeogenesis from protein.

This isn't the only source of glucose building blocks. In fact, the extremely low insulin of ketogenic and carnivore diets pushes gluconeogenesis from amino acids down. Glycerol->Glucose is a relatively low energy process, while gluconeogenesis from pyruvate requires 2 ATP right off the top.

Its obvious. Notice also it doesn't account for just overweight people. But if you're obese as shit everyone knows you must be a retard with no impulse control.

Fuck off with your retard balanced diet shit you stupid fucking normie

this shit is only good if you're not a fatass

Snake diet guy says keto,carnivore diet is shit when you're lean. you need carbs for explosiveness for training

that's old Snek
evolved Snek eats as much lean meat as he can, trying to maximize protein, and lets his body convert that into muscle glycogen

the only way to find any truth about nutrition is to experiment for yourself.

Yeahhhhhh buddddyyyyyy

This can't be fucking real lmao HAHAHAHHAA

ah, then I should be ok, I already to 16/8 and use the pink salt. Now to stop being tempted by stress eating and start going to the gym instead of cowering in my room with my kettlebell.

you fucking sack of shit he's livestraming right now and he mentioned you're comment is retarded, he said yes it's possible unless you plan on paying for 5-10 pounds of meat a day.

That's unrealistic with normies.