Fats have it so Much easier than skinnys

Fats have it so Much easier than skinnys

>Already have the bulk and gain
>Just need to do some easy cardio and some tone for that fitt look


>Need to eat more which costs more
>Need to lift but avoid loosing the gains which cost so much
>If you do cardio to get fitter lose gains
>Basically an impossible balancing act

Fuck sake I wish I had the fat gene

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Bulking is easier then cutting fag

On the other hand it's easier to reach normie aesthetic mode if you're skinny

>stretch marks
>loose skin
>harder to eat less than eat more
>very difficult to gain muscle while cutting so no real advantage there
>takes much longer

just fucking eat you cry baby

And sky is blue. What else did you discover today?

Fat people only get gains in their legs and not in their upper body
They also need to eat at a deficit, which means they won't gain much muscle for the months or even years they're losing weight
That's a year of zero gains even if they lift and work just as hard as the skelly
They also have loose skin and lots of stretch marks

For a fat guy, it takes maybe 2 or 3 years to make it depending on how fat they are at the start
A skinny guy can make it in less than 1 year wasting zero time or gains

Fuck off faggot

>fat gene
>already have the bulk and gain
Most fat people don't actually have muscle behind that fat. The muscle comes from physical activity when you're fat, too.
If you're at normal weight and not anemic, you'll probably have more muscle than a fat guy with the same activity level, since your hormones get all kinds of fucked when you're fat.

People who gain fat easily actually do gain muscle easier that being said Op need to stfu and eat his oats

You don't need to gain fat easily to be fat. Especially in the US.

That’s also true but the point still remains

I eat oat and proteins but I have high metabolism also

It literally is you mongoloid, i was both, just eat more and here's the trick: you eat a lot of meals throughout the day so you won't get bloated or sick from eating just 2 or 3 big meals ( do this until your body accommodates with the amount of food you're eating)

Just eat more you pussy faggot. And that's it, you are not skinny anymore

Depends. Bulking on healthy shit is hard. Dirty bulking is piss easy.

Don't come here crying and expect sympathy for how hard it is to eat food. I worked my way up to bulk on 3500 calories OMAD. Just eat food and stretch out your stomach, you little twink faggot.

>3.5k in one meal
What the fuck were you eating?

We are talking about healthy bulking, not bulking like an absolute retard. You can't just go from 2500kcal to 3500 in one day. Besides, you can realistically lose 3 kg of fat a month but only gain 1 kg of muscle moreless.

Are you hungry, fatty? Just don't eat, it's as easy as that.

Meat, eggs, loads of vegetables and fruit, a pound of low-fat quark, protein bread with canned fish, peanut butter and as a treat some delicious chocolate-chip cookies I bake myself. After my fasting days I refeed with oat porridge and fruits before my workout and then eat a large meal afterwards.


>Just eat less


>Just eat more

It's thuuut sympoos luuuhhhds

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>protein bread