Fuck off reddit edition
/plg/ - powerlifting general
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lol they are so gay
give me liek edition😃
there you go
At least I'm not the bottom.
Is this gay sex?
Wow do you have Dino
i think so lol!
What's the fucking point of incline benching? Just do normal bench and OHP instead
will i ever unlock dino and skelly
Your fortune: Outlook good
it's called "powerlifting", and it's pretty much the same thing
will Retired lifting Enthusiast get dino and skelly
Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
i hope dino is at 700
incline translates and substitutes for bench press better
Me too
is this gay sex
Your fortune: Bad Luck
>will Retired lifting Enthusiast get dino and skelly
>Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
I think dino is 750
i already took the screen shot!
Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
dino is 10,000
Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
did isley really have sex
Your fortune: Excellent Luck
Yep I found a Dino poster and he said 700 or 750
Why not bench then
can you fortune spin for my bench
Does some user have created an Excell spreadsheet for madcow where you just put your 1rm and it calculates everything?
Im a brainlet that can't into maths
did isley have sex with a girl
Your fortune: Better not tell you now
Will Yakob make bench gains?
Your fortune: Good Luck
no dino yet
Do ph3
will Yakob bench 150lbs
Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
did isley have sex with someone who looks like a girl
Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
It’s Japanese?
left is my leg, right is the leg i often see on other people
what does it mean?
i think that means ez pz
fuck yea
did isley have sex with a person with a penis
Your fortune: Average Luck
maybe you've stalled for example
quad insertion
that your quad insertions are lower than ones most people have?
t. big brain
deadly tumour
Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
yup dino is 750
You are very smart
will i have sex
Your fortune: Better not tell you now
Yes but is it good or bad thing
will i get skelly before retired lifting enthusiast
Your fortune: Average Luck
I might take a jerk off break for an hour so maybe
will the poster below me have sex
Your fortune: Bad Luck
Theoretically it should be bad for squatting, but there is so much other variables that it doesnt necessary mean it. Conclusion is you shouldnt give two fucks about it and just train to be stronger version of yourself, its same with people having diffrent looking chests or biceps.
thank u!
is spoky at 1000?
thats true gf is already asleep and if I wake her up she gonna be mad at me so I preffer to bang her in the morning
i am bored and stopping now💢
will the poster below me fail all their sets next time they go gym?
Your fortune: Better not tell you now
Alright faggots, I have a question. Whenever I do deads or squats, even if I stretch, I have a shooting pain in my hamstrings even with the smallest weight. I use to go heavy, but now I feel like every time I do a set of legs I’m heading to rip city. What do?
Nice, now I have an excuse not to care about squats
is the poster below me gay?
Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
Same poster adding to this, it’s worst when I sit down after a set. Shooting pain when the muscle bends/contracts.
>Theoretically it should be bad for squatting
did yakob just make this up
Your fortune: Good Luck
Switch sports to rock collecting
Yep lol
Nah brah.
not at all there was even a study showing that calisthenics guys are mostly ones with longer biceps as longer biceps tendons are better for pullups for some reason
Wow. I have short bicep tendons and shit pull-ups. My arms look great though.
So if I am to do only bench, would running candito linear 3 days a week with both control and hypertrophy days added to the power one be good? Or shoud I just do a nuckols split?
my faggot bicep is short, fuck that piece of weak shit
>squat 8x120 kg, fail 9th rep
>also squat 1x185 kg
What a fuck?
fake news
this is impossible, 120x9 shouldnt be even a challenge if you can 185kg or your form is literall shit
Why would I make it up retard
>squat 120kgx6
>max squat is 130kg
to shit post
the e1rm sets in Bridge3 are so weord, they're like redoing my warmups. am confuse.
can someone give form check on my 5x70 ohp
You clearly warmup to much or dont know how to warmup.
I'm pretty much bench only and Nuckols works great.
You’re close to skelly
Like for like?
I gave you one for free!
How does a chad like this get such a butt fucking ugly gf?
thats not his gf, rather part of his camera crew
his gf is some black chick you can see her in the arnold vid
Why does this general constantly try to cripple and kill each other?
She was a princess waiting for prince to kiss her but instead big bad ogre showed up and she become his
...Coin Flip: Tails
On Poland all women want ogre
everyone want big bad ogre
It's just me with Alex.