I lost my virginity to an escort

same bro. I would honestly rather have just stayed a virgin had i known i was gonna find the love of my life years later. And the prozzie was way older than me too :(

I wish I could do that, but my dick isn't exactly big, and she told me of the many, many sexual experiences she had. Wasn't into meeting me in person until I told her I was a virgin. She made plans with me to meet up and fuck that weekend. She was a fair bit smaller than me, so I got to manhandle her around a bit, eat that pussy, leave handprints on her titties and some hickeys and bitemarks on her neck and shoulders, but once it came time to stick my weewee inside her, I completely lost my erection no less than 6 times and by then the primal energy had worn off and she just looked bored. Managed to get hard in a final effort before giving up and stuck her as deep as I could. puss was pretty and surprisingly tight even on my small one, but she just kind of laid there and I pumped her out for awhile, then just pulled out and said I came. We cuddled for ab it, then she hopped up, got dressed and left. I've felt empty and hollow before but after that it was worse then usual, and I still think about it to this day and it makes me feel shitty and worthless. A piece of myself is gone and I can't get it back.

Ohhhhh so she just wanted your virginity. that's a shame.

Its okay user, we'll make it at some point.

>we'll make it at some point

No we won't user. We're doomed to be alone now. Our precious virgin essence stolen. We're used goods that wouldn't even sell in the clearance isle.

Yeah, because that's what girls value in men. Total lack of experience.

I have a bear coming over tonight to take my buhymen and it will be free I'm not nervous about and I'm a twink he has a nice cock

I'll never throw it away for a prostitute. I don't know why you would ever consider it.

Some girls, yes.

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originally comment

>first in class to lose virginity
>to someone 40 years older than me
>now incel
guess slow and steady really does win the race
wonder if ms anderson is still alive