What is the worst food you eat regularly? Be honest.
What is the worst food you eat regularly? Be honest
Frozen shit. Those Lean Cuisine frozen pizzas taste too good
pizza every week haha
Yeah b-but frozen shit is not that bad right?
t. Someone who always eats “healthy” frozen foods
Taco Tuesday fucks up my macros regularly
>All that estrogen.
Very healthy, ma'am.
Those ice cream pint buckets every now and then
Peanut butter and dark chocolate
I also bake sourdough bread, but that may not be so evil depending on who you ask
Potato chips
Block of cheese
The people that genuinely think frozen meals are healthy are the same people that think cheat days are good for metabolism
Where does it say that? Please redpill me.
how are they unhealthy? sure they're high in sodium but that's about it
Gourmet artesanal burguers.
They are the cheapest option and incredible the healthiest to eat in my uni. It is a student who makes and sells them, and although they have high quality ingredients, it fucks up my macro count.
>implying i eat carbs
Fucking bread, that shit is too fucking tasty for me
They're high in sodium, full of preservatives, not many vitamins, etc
Bread/Baked goods. I'm strong enough to limit myself to small portions, but fuck if homemade desserts aren't my last hurdle to get over before truly making it.
burgers, and im not even american they're just really good and cheap where i live so i can't fucking resist and im cutting now, sad
my go to cheat meal is usually arbys. fire roasted philly w/ double beef paired with one of the chicken sandwiches
yeah but they've got decent protein, decent carbs, and is easier as a staple for a skelly like me to try and pack on more weight
Mass produced meat always has estrogen and the beans have phytoestrogen. I'm not sure if plant estrogen affects adults but it does act on babies (onions formula).
Can someone explain what the FUCK is going on with that hot dog?
Lmao all these NPCs thinking eating "shitty" foods actually has an impact on your health and body
I know it's gross. I know I shouldn't, but the damn doughnuts are so good. It must be my family's police blood.
I eat a lot of bananas and could probably switch to a less sugar rich fruit.
They do if you eat them regularly.
Fucking ice cream, I can eat a l of ice ceam just because its hot or I'm sleepy.
My favourite ice cream is also cheap. Dangerous life
how do you find this appetizing? why not go eat a pound of sugar?
bread :(
Anyone who specifically has sourdough pisses me off. It's always middle class twats coming into the shop I work in demanding it and being rude
mozarella sticks
I unironically eat spoons of sugar with my maizena corn meal.
>51% carbs
I don't demand it from anybody, I just bake it for myself and my family.
They’re like 300 cals and have 50% of your sodium intake for the day. Shit is not good for you.
Pizza. But I live in Italy so....
KFC for breakfast every day
Based. That’s my breakfast every Sunday
But why everyday? You work there or something?
Chipotle burrito with everything on it
No, I have a KFC near my office and it's the cheapest protein source I can find. I just order 8 strips
Nuggets from Burger King. Haven't eaten them as much though bc their never fresh anymore and therefore shit.
Once they went from $1 for 10 to $1.49 people instantly fucked off. The less people buying them, the less newer ones they have to make.
Soda aside. I guess donuts or churros. High saturated fat, carbs and deep fried with sugar inside and outside
Edamame. At uni and most of the dining hall food is absolute garbage so I usually just have salads and grilled chicken. I don't think edamame every once in a while is bad, but I pretty much eat it daily. Really hoping the phytoestrogens things is just a meme.
Pizza, bagels, scotch
I could shove down this badboy down my fuckface every single day until i drop dead.
Just looking at it makes my blood boil, my stomach scream and gives me a huge fucking boner.
God fucking damn I will probably eat one today or tomorrow again.
No sauce, extra scharf.
Not too regularly, but pork crackle.
High in protein still, so fuck it
there is no fastfood that can compete. the price is unbeatable and if you take salat komplett and no fatty sauce it ain’t even that bad
all hail döner
flavoured whey protein and bananas i chug it all at once so i don`t have to taste it for too long
I'm tryna go to taco bell desu
Candy stuff like chocolate, waffles and similar
Not regularly but I've given into the temptation of cake several times for the past 2-3 months. If I eat 3-4 slices per discount Walmart cake a week for several months, how behind am I on getting my abs cut for summer?
Kebab meat and chips or fried chicken at least once a fortnight. When I have it, I go hard. Eat until I'm bursting.
the protein in pork rinds are incomplete so I wouldn't make it a big part of my diet, but it's a healthier alternative to something like potato chips
As an autist, it's a relatively easy way to socialise
I've been eating junk food like ice cream, small pizzas, baked sweets at the end of the day because I always struggle to hit my calories
I always end up post poning my meals
The strips or chicken kebab pieces?
I used to get mixed but I moved a couple of years ago but now my local only does lamb (the strips). With garlic and chilli.
this so much
Lamb & chicken are the best ones.
I rarely get a takeaway but when I do I make sure it's not too unhealthy, so I opt for curry and rice either from a Chinese or Indian place
milkshake and sushi (I know sushi isn't THAT much of a shit food but still)
lemonade, vanilla greek yogurt, sweet baby rays, and so-called protein pasta right now. Took forever to kick the chinese food, even without eating the rice, that shit would put weight on a dying person.
Isn't that shit just green beans? How is that bad
Frozen walmart brand meat will actually kill you
>white rice
>empty carbs
you were right the first time sushi is shit
>white rice = empty carbs
Nice mom science bro
if your sushi isn't made with brown rice then get the fuck out of my face
Onions beans.
Fucking timbits. They are objectively shit, but part of the appeal is that they're dirt cheap, always available because there's 4 god damn tim hortons within a 10 km radius, and I don't have to have them in the house. I can resist the urge to get trashfood from the grocery store, so I only ever have healthy food at home, but mother fucker when the craving for sugar and self loathing hits these little shitballs will always be there. I don't think I've ever eaten less than a box of 20 in a single sitting.
My go to cheat meal is a bowl of granola with added nuts and dried fruit, at one time I would eat a munchy box a week
On the weekend for my carb load before hitting my workout I'll usually down 2 hotpockets and 2 microwave burritos
And when I get home if there isn't any other dinner I'll throw down 2 more hotpockets
That’s mostly fat not carbs and a terrible preworkout
Doubt it's too much fat
Plenty of carbs I can use
same. its just so fucking delicious
i eat fast food daily. i cant stop
probably chick fil a nuggies
Burgers. Preferably fried chicken.
It's just so fucking good.
you're a retard for asking those kind of questions, do you not know the different from a pound of sugar to a donut?
Fuck you I'm getting some.
Where can I get this in NYC?
7/11 hotdogs with chili cheese and onions, whats wrong with me Jow Forums
beetroot base pizza
so fuckin good, it's not fair
General's Tso's and Boneless Spare Ribs combos.
I still get taquitos and a slurpee from time to time too. Old habits die hard
the ancient tradition of IIFYM has been lost
Still mostly fat not carbs and a terrible preworkout
Most of it is rice dipshit
dark chocolate almonds, i have about 1-2 handfulls per week.
You poor Canadians and your powderpuff meals
It's a pig in a blanket, user.
They're really nice. Something I'd make more often if my pastry skills weren't such shit.