What is the worst food you eat regularly? Be honest

The people that genuinely think frozen meals are healthy are the same people that think cheat days are good for metabolism

Where does it say that? Please redpill me.

how are they unhealthy? sure they're high in sodium but that's about it

Gourmet artesanal burguers.

They are the cheapest option and incredible the healthiest to eat in my uni. It is a student who makes and sells them, and although they have high quality ingredients, it fucks up my macro count.


Attached: Reeses.jpg (600x600, 274K)

>implying i eat carbs

Fucking bread, that shit is too fucking tasty for me

They're high in sodium, full of preservatives, not many vitamins, etc

Bread/Baked goods. I'm strong enough to limit myself to small portions, but fuck if homemade desserts aren't my last hurdle to get over before truly making it.

burgers, and im not even american they're just really good and cheap where i live so i can't fucking resist and im cutting now, sad