Are safety razors better for shaving or is that just a marketing myth?
Are safety razors better for shaving or is that just a marketing myth?
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I've spent less than $20 on shaving supplies for the whole year. I can use a fresh blade every single time. 200 blades cost me 10 bucks.
safety razors are fantastic. Save 99% of what you normally spend on shaving, give a much closer shave with 2 passes and you can even use it to line up some stubble if you roll that way. Using anything else is pleb/sheep/brainlet tier
>ridiculously cheaper than normal razors
>"marketing meme"
Love using mine.
I either use my electric shaver or this, depending on how thick of a beard growth I got going.
FUCK having to buy $50 disposable gillette razors that don't even shave half as good.
t. arab
What are the best safety razors? I love feather blades, but I got some chink shit razor and it's starting to rust.
The whole "5 BLADES FOR EXXXTRA SMOOTH SHAVING ACTION" is muuuch more of a marketing myth.
I pay $60 for razors from dorco every 2 years.
user, they work fine. Also, you can buy a ton of blades and be set for ages.
Thanks for the fast replies. In truth I'm not really concerned with the price but more with minimizing the irritation that I developed over the course of several years due to beard thickening and daily shaves. I heard that safety razors should reduce it but even moreso should slant bar razors that supposedly cut along the skin rather than at it. Do you know anything about those?