James Charles looked much cuter without those disgusting silicone lips
I am alone 24/7, which means I can take as long as I like chewing food...
I just pace around a lot in general. I walk instead of using other means of transportation if possible. Throw some pushups during breaks. If I watch a movie or series I don't sit down, I do some shadow boxing or some calisthenics shit meanwhile. Just never be still and you body will be burning a few extra calories. You should be also working out though, and most importantly watching what you eat.
he looks kinda like someone drawn in araki's style irl, face-wise
>not gay
>suck cock
pick one, zoomer
i wanna smash james charles boipucci then cum all over his face
It's a great feeling
Twinks usually do
Better to cum inside a twink, then you own them
Bad bait
Was Jow Forums always full of freaks and the mentally ill?
Jow Forums as a whole is full of them faggot
>crossdresses and wears make up and fake lashes and nails
Of course, as Twinkies are often wont to do.
>Does those tacky block painted-on eyebrows that look good on no one that got memed into popularity by fat art hoes on insta