I am alone 24/7, which means I can take as long as I like chewing food. How many calories would I reduce the food to by chewing it down to a literal pulp, by taking about a whole minute for each bite?
Also, unorthodox ways to reduce calories/better digest food ITT. Cold showers burn about 300 calories every 15 minutes.
The enzymes in spit are like our best enzymes for digestion. It makes perfect sense that chewing food for a very long time will make the entire process much more efficient.
I just wanna fuck him, and I don't wanna be gay so I'm posting it to get it out of my system.
Digestion doesn’t make calories just disappear my guy. That’s not how physics or chemistry work. Either way, it’s still getting into your body.
Levi Lopez
Digestion starts at the mouth
Christopher Gray
I straight up lie to my girlfriend. I tell her that i'm subscribed to james charles because he "brought receipts" to the tati argument, but the truth is he's the only twink that makes me wish I was rouded out just so i could feel like a big orc while i ravage his boipussi
you like masculine women, ie you have patrician taste
Oliver Ortiz
That’s not a girl user Its okay user, just say no homo and pay more attention next time. Here have a qt tomboy (female) Maybe gay but feeling ashamed of it to some extent, or maybe you’re just kinda gay but not full on and need the feminine styling to make it more attractive, who knows
>he doesn't know saying "no homo" three times a loud negates the action
Jayden Robinson
Now that would be patrician taste (within limits), but probably not what he was going for Probably won’t be healthier compared to a reasonable level of chewing. The enzymes in your saliva will break down more complex carbs to simple carbs too, so that part is less healthy even
I just pace around a lot in general. I walk instead of using other means of transportation if possible. Throw some pushups during breaks. If I watch a movie or series I don't sit down, I do some shadow boxing or some calisthenics shit meanwhile. Just never be still and you body will be burning a few extra calories. You should be also working out though, and most importantly watching what you eat.
Connor Allen
he looks kinda like someone drawn in araki's style irl, face-wise
Cameron Fisher
>not gay >suck cock pick one, zoomer
Hunter Moore
i wanna smash james charles boipucci then cum all over his face
Ayden Wilson
It's a great feeling
Twinks usually do
Better to cum inside a twink, then you own them
Joshua Myers
Bad bait
Nicholas Walker
Was Jow Forums always full of freaks and the mentally ill?
Cameron Turner
Jow Forums as a whole is full of them faggot
Justin Cook
>gay Okay. >crossdresses and wears make up and fake lashes and nails Of course, as Twinkies are often wont to do. >Does those tacky block painted-on eyebrows that look good on no one that got memed into popularity by fat art hoes on insta WHAT A FUCKING FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAG