Is there a more fucked height for a male? You're like an almost grown human being, not short enough to fit in with actual manlets and yet not tall enough to be considered a true man. Always some kind of bizarre middle ground, like your genes were so fucking lazy that they couldn't even be bothered to decide whether they wanted you to be a manlet or a man. Manlets hate you for being taller than them, men belittle you for being just a tad too short to look decent next to them. You're too short for most white women to be impressed with your height, and too tall for women with a manlet fetish to be into you. You're juuust about as tall or a bit taller than most white women, but it's so unnoticeable that it doesn't matter, and they're taller than you in heels anyway. You're too tall to get ez mode manlet gains from lifting and too short to look impressive when shredded.
Fuck this fucking height, it's like it was designed to make people look invisible.
>not short enough to fit in with actual manlets stopped reading there, manlet
Austin Reed
You are not invisible because of your height. You are invisible because you make excuses to be miserable. Forget the excuses. You are better off without them. You lift with your body, not your mouth.
Hudson Parker
>this bullshit again
Nicholas Johnson
>not short enough to fit in with actual manlets Good news, you are!
Jeremiah Hall
Manlets are 5' - 5'7'' 5'8'' - 5'11' is nonmanlet nonman limbo purgatory hell
Camden Long
6’3” I am not short or tall Stuck in perpetual limbo
Eli Smith
>Manlets are 5' - 5'7'' in China maybe
Ethan Gutierrez
based 88 numbers of Wahrheit. Get over it op
Owen Reed
>not short enough to fit in with actual manlets and why is that a bad thing? At least you dont get mogged by actual manlets and you're still taller than most girls