
Fuck an*Me edition


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based albania showing the we*Ebs what's what

hello fellow faggots
should i spend money on coins today?


bassi maikata ne mojete da si prestaite kva ujas e da vidish edin amerimutt na jivo, pak ostavi tsiala darjava pulna s teh, male bratche ne znam kak da vi go opisha.

a nai mnogo me drazni kat vidat znameto mi i si pomislat che i as sum nekuf amerimutt. mamka my deiba as imam nai chistata slavianska kruv, nito edna kapka turchin ili gruk.

bassi maikata ne mojete da si prestaite kva ujas e da vidish edin amerimutt na jivo, pak ostavi tsiala darjava pulna s teh, male bratche ne znam kak da vi go opisha.

a nai mnogo me drazni kat vidat znameto mi i si pomislat che i as sum nekuf amerimutt. mamka my deiba as imam nai chistata slavianska kruv, nito edna kapka turchin ili gruk.

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bassi maikata ne mojete da si prestaite kva ujas e da vidish edin amerimutt na jivo, pak ostavi tsiala darjava pulna s teh, male bratche ne znam kak da vi go opisha.

a nai mnogo me drazni kat vidat znameto mi i si pomislat che i as sum nekuf amerimutt. mamka my deiba as imam nai chistata slavianska kruv, nito edna kapka turchin ili gruk.

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stop. you can't possibly understand how i suffer having to interact with brown people every day.

Where do you live?


bassi maikata ne mojete da si prestaite kva ujas e da vidish edin amerimutt na jivo, pak ostavi tsiala darjava pulna s teh, male bratche ne znam kak da vi go opisha.

a nai mnogo me drazni kat vidat znameto mi i si pomislat che i as sum nekuf amerimutt. mamka my deiba as imam nai chistata slavianska kruv, nito edna kapka turchin ili gruk.

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to sto je neko jevrej naravno da ne mora da znaci da je los i da je povezan sa svim ostalim jevrejima koji rade na navodnom unistavanju sveta, jer vecina njih nije nimalo losa i normalni su ljudi kao i svi ostali
to sto tackasti degenerik i ostali Jow Forums fanatici zagovaraju da su reptili ili djavoljeve reinkarnacije je druga prica koja prvo zasluzuje detaljnu psiholosku evaluaciju svakog ko u to iskreni veruje ponaosob

question is, what are you doing there

i've lived here for like 20 years.

then you shouldn't shit in the well you drink water from


>bulgarians and romanians making the local news being a nuisance again

Thank you for taking care of our undesirables.

I apologize in the name of all bulgarians. Sorry we are such nuisance abroad but try to understand that we are pretty dumb and shit can happen you know.
But we are the best to party with, the best when it comes to hospitality and so on.

We have big hearts but also even bigger hands hahahha. Stealing a thing or two from time to time is no big deal here in Bulgaria.


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Help fyromians stole my history.


kukata e stanal makedonec

sweden btfo

who is the squarehead ratling in OP's shit alboshqip picture?

>be albania
>praise skanderbeg
>also be majority muslim
what a fucking irony

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On top of that almost whole of his lineage is not Albanian but slavic/serbian

So how do you like it in BG, fyrombey?

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His mother was Bulgarian, if he had Serbian lineage he'd be famous for losing battles or siding with the ottomans

>servokar delusions

Are you thinking about Dusan Le Serve Emperor?

I wish that was me

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You're back! What's up fetishposter?

Not much, chilling enjoying the good weather

Kastriot's siblings names were - Mara, Jella, Angellina, Ulaica, Mamisa, Reposius, Stanisius, and Constantine. According to 19th century writer Clement Clarke Moore.

His name was Gjorgji ffs

I think you mean romanian
His full name was

*Gheorghe "Alexandru Beg" Castriotu

An incredible day with incredible girls

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mara, angjelina, mamica, rreposh, kostandin and gjergj are typical albanian names
the other two have slavic influence just like nowadays where many have hoxha surnames

anyone knows his shit on ebook readers?

i don't read, but my wife is quite the bookworm and she's pretty happy with her 100$ amazon kindle

ah good i made the right choice then
btw is your wife hot?

>In 889 Boris abdicated the throne and became a monk. His son and successor Vladimir attempted a pagan reaction, which brought Boris out of retirement in 893. Vladimir was defeated and Boris had him blinded, his wife shaved and sent to a monastery. Boris gathered the Council of Preslav placing his third son, Tsar Simeon I of Bulgaria on the throne, threatening him with the same fate if he too apostatized. Boris returned to his monastery, emerging once again in c. 895 to help Simeon fight the Magyars, who had invaded Bulgaria in alliance with the Byzantines. After the passing of this crisis, Boris resumed monastic life and died in 907.
why are voulgars so based lads?

kindle paperwhite

More like were, those days are dead and gone sadly

we all gonna make it voulbro

MC Kresha

Can you imagine how miserable life was for someone living in those times, unless you were aristocracy?

yes, but only intangible coins

I meant the general un-fuckening of state matters, pretty sure having our land sold to chin chongs by our cancerous "government" ain't a good thing


t.soft fag

I just like hot water and toilet paper.

pre-modern age: plenty of genocide,running water (if youre byzantine)
modern age: maybe one genocide every hundred years if youre lucky and youll have to be sorry about it for the rest of time,toilet paper
i know my choice
youre probably from sofia you faggot

The plagues, don't forget the plagues.

Thanks to the plagues about 10% of us are literally immune to aids tho

>culling the herd of the weak and a constant reminder of death thus forcing you to come to grips of your mortality and making your peace with god
god bless the chinks for the plagues

>10% of us are literally immune to aids
Are you Swedish?

All I just want is the romanian general to be back

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a what?

No, just some interesting statistics
Countries that were hit by the plague the hardest have some interesting cell changes

All i just want is the romanian captain to be back

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there now off you go

did you mean containment?

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thanks to the massive amount of cocks your mother milked, you are literally immune to any STD

romanians are contamination

learn me more

not like 99.9% of our women aren't whores or gold diggers
the growing trend of them buying antimycotics backs that up nicely


Kurot ne me boli sine

Ros it's time to come back and save the day

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>Kosova- Prishtina
>179.52 cm (5 ft 10 12 in)
>165.72 cm (5 ft 5 in)

That's a surprise. I always had the impression that Prishtinalit were +180

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>check out sobrainski kanal
>vmro cucks nowhere to be seen

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So there are mods on this board

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God I love Inglish

Why did Talat pussied out to sign the law for albanian language, he was so strong and confident on the interviews. What happened?

Are albanians really turning into feminized fags...

is advocating for genocide sfw?

>posts shit porn

I hate all teh fucking newfags, the sp newfag and the cair newfag


Look what I found in the storage room guys hehe

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4 more days

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Fuck me I love this time of the year, everything is so green and peaceful

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I hate those fucking MK posters
literally the worst delusional faggots that need to be beaten up into sense
not to talk about the newfags

I remember winning this one on a Coca Cola bottle top 12 years ago

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>Heмa cигнaл
пичкy кaнaли тeлeвизии

That Robbie CD is fucking based
One of my fav live performances
Others are great too
What's with the greek one tho?

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you won a fyromian ubermensch?

Ocтaј тв , читaј cтapи cpпcки зaкoни бaтo


Attached: vidi me bato tom kruz.jpg (460x247, 15K)

>What's with the greek one tho?
The cover is fake
It contains
Metallica-Nothing else matters
The final countdown-Europe
Pump the jam
Ne duam jetën ta jetojmë
Djemt e detit-Jakup Ferri
and Beat it Michael Jackson

bootleg of a bootlegs edition

Thoughts on sucking your own dick?


having in mind what insignificant your shithole is, you are about to get your cunt range banned (for good)

Posting links doesn't count cause it's SFW content

it counts if i'm reporting it

You will fail and I can change my ip in 10 seconds

So gl