his thread is for writing Jow Forums related stuff and the recommendation of books that are Jow Forums related
Give thanks to Polybius, Archivefag and BumpAnon for keeping /wfg/ afloat.
>It's been unscientifically proven that a lack of (you)s for writers can lead depression, alcoholism, story abandonment, and an hero.
>But it's so easy to make a difference in a writer's life. Just one (you) a day can make the difference between a happy writer and a writer on permanent hiatus.
>Please, post now. Help make a writer's day.
Not Heaven: A very special carrier appeared on the naval base, her past and service record kept a secret to most of the naval base, who is she?
Viktoria: user builds a special rifle after something big happens
>Recommended Jow Forums Literature:pastebin.com
>Link to Sticky: pastebin.com
>Last Thread: