How do I improve shitty triceps

How do I improve shitty triceps

I do 5 sets of tricep pushdown (both grips) 10-12 reps at 110 lbs. Do I need to do high reps/low weight or low reps/high weight

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somehow you're doing twice the weight I use, but my triceps look bigger. fix your form, and try some alternate lifts maybe. are you using ropes or bar?

Do you bench

Use one hand instead and do 6-8 reps.

Bar. Does rope work better?

Form is important, especially with tricep extensions since its so easy and natural to cheat. If you feel it in your abs youre using too much weight, same for if youre leaning forwards. Dig your elbows into your sides and flex your glutes while relaxing your abs and see if you dont gey much better form

Shit nigga use the rope for max gains


increase your bench and overhead press

Nigga I have better triceps than you and all I do is few sets of pushups every other day

weighted dips my nig

Shitty triceps are far from your only problem, user.

likely shit form and no volume
For triceps I have
3x12 dips
3x12 pushdowns
3x12 overhead extension
3x12 kickbacks
3x12 one hand cable pushdown

All of these things use my triceps and this is on top of the compounds im doing on the same day. I do this twice a week on my 6 day ppl.
Do you still think your pushdowns are enough?

Bench, ohp, and most importantly EAT

>no delts
>no forearms
>no back
>no traps
>no definition, anwhere
Your triceps are proportionally small to the rest of your body. Just lift faggot.

Dont listen to this dyel weakboy

everything is shit not just your tris

start lifting weights

I'm the same way even with heavenly lighting
I can never get a super good contraction

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>tricep pushdow
lol no
close grip bench 2.5 plate for reps and dip with half your bodyweight for 8 reps regularity

Aside from eating and compounds, skullcrushers 4x10-12 maintaining scapula down so you feel that stretch nice and good. Keep weight heavy but manageable

Wanna know how I know you have sub 16inch arms and are fat?

So wait, what the hell am I supposed to do for getting mass on my triceps? Everytime some asshat says "just do 3 sets of 12 bro, it's that easy bro" I feel like I'm not doing enough work, but then when someone like posts their intense shit, they get called a dyel weekboy.

What the fuck is it then? Where is the balance between working a muscle to failure (that apparently doesnt yield gains) and only doing a few sets of 12 and saying "that's good enough"?

t. Curious newlifter

Lean with
17. 5 inch arms
Try again weakboy

>17.5 inch arms

You cant have both user.

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Lmao how shitty are your genetics?
17.5 inches flexed cold btw

For hypertrophy you want 10+ sets of 8+ reps per muscle group. Pretty simple math, really.

Pushups with a lot of variations and handstand pushups with variations

Thank me later

Thanks for shitty dyel advice

Not him but post body

pic or stfu
32cm here

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Do diamond pushups

Holy fuck if that is 32cm then you are the king of manlets

What's your bench OP?

Seriously my father in law has 33cm and he is a 55 yo scrawny guy in an office job lmao
How short are you?

>he fell for isolation meme

do dips and diamond push ups faggot.

not great to be honest dude. do more pullups and dips.

different user but thanks for the tip I'll try that out

You need more rest or less training. You aren't getting the recovery necessary to build them up. Go to the gym half as often or swap in more cardio days.

>those wrists

I think it has to do with insertions.
The higher the triceps are, the harder it is to feel them and work them.
People with better triceps insertions are most likely the ones telling you that just compounds and one isolation lift was enough for them.
For people with shit triceps like me and OP, I think more volume of triceps focused compound lifts like dips should force them to grow.
Regular bench press won't make them grow.
All my opinion though

This. I do sets of 25kg for tricep pushdowns and also look better

404 - long head does not exist

>32cm here

Lifitng must be easy when you are 1,60m tall

5x5 weighted dips
4x8-12 close grip bench
3x12-15 Rope Pushdown with last set being a dropset

Reminder that bodybuilding-range of volume is not a meme and you'll have more gains doing a split that doing a Starting Meme or MemeLift5x5
Take exverything said here with a grain of salt

Stop leaning into it. Go slower and more controlled, especially on the way back up.

Change machines (one of the machines in my gym I could do 70lbs, another one I had trouble with 50)

Use ropes instead of a flat bar.

Triceps for merit

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Go to the gym

Overhead dumbell extensions and JM Press. Your long head of triceps is almost non-existent, I had the same problem but these 2 exercises helped a lot.

Even my forearm mogs ur arm

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Bench 2 plates for reps

Overhead tricep extension
Close grip bench

Here's what works for me. Alongside some secondary work through OHP and benching, I do 1 arm lying tricep extensions/skullcrushers. I use a weight I can't do more than 2 sets of 8 with, then drop it slightly and do another 2 sets.

How short are you user?

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Do more tricep kickback and focus on the form and try light weight

185lbs :(

Do Close grip bench press sets after finishing standard bench press sets. Guaranteed triceps

dude I have bigger arms than you and that never happens, what the fuck

Is there a Jesus?

There's your problem. Drop the isolation until you bench at least two plates. Bench 3x a week, paused, close grip, wide grip, whatever. High volume, sets of 3-6 (5-8 sets per session, 1-2 reps from failure each set).
Eat better, you're skinnyfat so you're probably not getting enough protein and a lot of shitty sugary calories.

Just do close grip and make sure your arms are rubbing your sides the entire time for maximum tricep activation.
Also do diamond pushups throughout the day.

don't fuck around with isolations this early in your lifting. i did that and basically flushed a year down the toilet. get on a beginner program like greyskull LP or something and get decent numbers first, than focus on isolating body parts if you want. and for fucks sake remember to eat

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Thank you

Also how do I increase weight over time? Once I hit a plate I added a 25 each side and it was difficult to rep so I just added 10 each side and started doing that

do close-grip bench press

THIS IS YOUR PROBLEM and you are ignoring it.

Why the fuck are you doing ancillary exercises if you are ignoring bench press you stupid fuck?

If one of your major muscles sucks you should NOT DO ANCILLARY. You should you should STOP BEING WEAK and progress with your regular compound.
Anybody who is week NEED NOT ancillaries.
It's not fucking difficult.

>i'm too stupid to drive a bicycle.
>i better train up with a fucking space shuttle
It's the same stupid fucking logic.