>tfw can only bench 50kg
Fuck I'm so weak.
Tfw can only bench 50kg
You'll get stronger eventually if you dont give up like a lame faggot
hang in there buddy, I just started too and can only handle 120 freedom units
this makes me want to commit kill. i barely lift 15lbs on each side
Keep grinding men, you got this
I could barely do 30kg when I first started a year ago. Now I’m closing in to 100kg. Don’t give up brothas.
I can only do 35kg(77lbs) kek.
But tbf to me, I started 2 weeks back.
Jesus christ user what the fuck?? I'm so happy for you. That is mad gains man. What program did you start with? I'm doing some autistic SL 5x5/ Ice cream fitness accessories.
tfw i can do 80kg and its more than 90% of my gym goers
pls tell me im strong
That's already better than me when I started user. I couldn't even lift the 45lb bar. Keep going and eat sleep.
Hit 100kg bro. Forget about your gym goers; they're just filthy humans.
You'll get there man, I started out doing 15-25lbs on each side. Now I'm regularly doing a 45-50lbs on each side and I'm only getting stronger.
Fellas... You shouldn't be using a barbell bench if it's under 1 plate. You'll advance faster and easier if you use free weight dumbells for chest.
Is this true or is this LARP?
I recently started lifting. I’m currently fatter than a dadbod. I can only lift the bar right now, but I’m getting better.
Atta boy user, keep at it and remember (high reps, low weight) and lots of cardiovascular workouts.
Little of both, but you really should be working with dumbells because improving your stabilizers translates to better traditional bench
Okay, I guess I'll switch between dumbells and barbe every time. I'm just afraid because my forehands are twig tier, so they hurt slightly when I do stuff with them in the gym.
After 9 months of lifting I am doing .5 plates for 3x14 and then dropping the weight until I struggle lifting the bar alone lmao. My strongest was 120 lbs barbell bp for 5x5 and pressing 55 lbs dumbbells for 5x5 about 5 months into lifting. Then I realized I make better progress with light weights high reps to failure plus I was starting to get a shoulder and tricep injury/tendonitis and I'm glad I stopped trying to boost my ego.
Counting bar or not?
What program does 3x14 for beginners?
Started with Phrak’s GSLP, now I’m doing my own highly autistic PPL routine. You just need to eat a lot. We’re all gonna make it.
Isn't that some variant if SL exceot the volume is different? God damn. I do 5x5 but should I try 3x5+?
I thought GSLP was the best of both worlds between SS and SL. I think SL has just too much volume on the main lifts.
Why should one follow a beginner program? A beginner who has never lifted before will make gains no matter what given proper nutrition. What's the point of trying to reach a 2 pl8 bench if you barely get any hypertrophy in the process when you can start at whatever you can do as a beginner, be it 70lbs or 135lbs, and focus on hypertrophy from the start?
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Jow Forums Pass users can bypass this CAPTCHA. plz let me post m00t
Yeah honestly 5x5 is so hard bro. I'm still progressing but fuck man.
Hm that sounds interesting. I can only bench 10 and 10 kg on both sides for 5x5 anyway.
I tried GS as a novice, wish I'd gone with 5x5. I almost never could go past 5 on the last set so mentally I felt like I was deficient. I think when starting out it's better to have an exact plan and execute it.
Definitely, been only doing db bench and currently struggling even doing full of ten of 55 lbs on each arm for one set but when I tried bench I can kill 115lbs like it's nothing. I also enjoy it better because I don't need a spotter and can push myself more without worrying about dropping the bar on myself.
GOOD! This means they're getting stronger. Power through and be careful. In general
>dull ache = good
>sharp piercing pain = bad
Something about the fact that I can just walk up to you as you struggle at the bench with 115, grab the bar, and curl it for 20 before throwing back on you, really gets me hard.
Yeah it's dull and I only feel it when I do, say, curls.
Still better than most dyels who struggle with 95
This is a stupid question but when someone says they bench X amount is there a standard reps/sets we assume or do you just assume 1rm?
Most people on fit train for strength so 5 reps, normal people will assume 10 reps, most people will usually specify if its their 1rm.
Same but grill :(
Slow gain train for me
I started lifting back in August, could barely 30lbs, now I’m able to bench 35lbs on each side and about ready to move up. It takes time but don’t give up. It’s really worth it.
How do you think you get better? By *not* lifting?
post boobies though.
Keep on progressing. Soon the people you regularly see in the gym will be mirin how far you've come.
tits or gtfo
>making very slow progress on bench
>but making progress
Every time I hit a pr I am reminded why I love lifting
I benched 60 and everyone in the gym mire cause they thought I was attempting suicide.
>started lifting less than 5 months ago
>mostly resistance training until
>began first bulk 3 weeks ago
>benched 4x6 of 135 lbs today
>maxed out on 145 lbs
>currently 5'11", 150lbs
how am i doing, bros?
also, height/weight, op?
This is internet sexual harassment. And then you wonder why we need feminism, mysoginist pigs.
no idea what ur talking about.
ur not a girl unless you post boobs. i'll give you workout advice regardless of that if you want it though bro
i can only do 25lbs on each side for 5-8 after doing a few warmup sets to make sure i dont kill myself
when i started out i could only do 75 lbs