Try bw neckcurls in bed

>try bw neckcurls in bed
>get dizzy, lightheaded, hear static for a few seconds
t-thanks Jow Forums

Attached: LvD9RMu.jpg.png (1041x354, 366K)

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destined to be a twink I guess

you're supposed to breathe.

Neck curls are a meme. And if you do them, it should be in reverse. Not pulling your head forward but backwards, the muscles in the front are already stronger than the back. You'll just end up fucking your shit even more than it might be already, or just plain not make much gains.

I do

Same here but other exercises. Just take it slower and do less of them since you're doing bw.

Link to exercise?

just lay down on bed while head is outside of bed
tuck chin in
move head up and down using ur neck

>neck curls getting too easy, need to add some weight
>don't have anything with high density
>don't have any of those stetchy bands
>fill up the pitcher i use to water my plants with some water and try to keep it on my forehead while i do neck curls
>spill water over myself

How many reps?

as many as you can I did 5 sets of 50

Based Pozposter

Neck width is fucking genetic. Weighted neck exercises could paralyze you. Why the fuck do you fools perpetuate this sick joke?

Did your neck grow?

I wonder just how many necklets Jow Forums has made quadriplegic.

I just started im the op
im skipping them cause well it doesnt feel too good
but they should work since my neck was sore

>using muscles is dangerous
I know you’re trying to keep the best kept facial aesthetics secret hidden but at least use more reasonable arguments

i need to incorporate more neck work into my routine but im not really sure what specific exercises I should do to target my neck or the rep and set range

also, are there any lifts for your face?

Here’s more proof it works btw

Attached: 79A649EA-B47F-4679-8383-E66A31311602.jpg (1041x354, 66K)

Can someone post a legitimate source that proves you can make your neck thicker? Jow Forums is fillled with misinformed retards ..

Attached: Normal.jpg (320x240, 11K)

get a band and do it in an upright position by using the force the band provides. You can do it to every direction too

Attached: ng.png (696x511, 21K)

nice vid thanks man

I have a band but I got no clue how to do it. So it goes around your head, not your neck? Where do you hold the band? How many reps and sets does one do?

Obviously, 5 sets of 50 is too much, take it easy on your neck or you'll regret it