Welcome to the world of liking traps/cuteboys
I am alone 24/7, which means I can take as long as I like chewing food...
The enzymes in spit are like our best enzymes for digestion. It makes perfect sense that chewing food for a very long time will make the entire process much more efficient.
I just wanna fuck him, and I don't wanna be gay so I'm posting it to get it out of my system.
U gay
if this isnt bait, somebody please tell him...
Digestion doesn’t make calories just disappear my guy. That’s not how physics or chemistry work. Either way, it’s still getting into your body.
Digestion starts at the mouth
I straight up lie to my girlfriend. I tell her that i'm subscribed to james charles because he "brought receipts" to the tati argument, but the truth is he's the only twink that makes me wish I was rouded out just so i could feel like a big orc while i ravage his boipussi
Why am I attracted to men that dress like females. What kind of fucking gayness is this